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GrimReapers 12 Days of Christmas Contest
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GrimReapers 12 Days of Christmas Contest
November 20, 2012 7:59:34pm (This post was last modified: December 25, 2012 6:05:31pm by GrimReaper.)
    Post: #1 
GrimReapers 12 Days of Christmas Contest
Contest is Over The Grand Prizes Winner is: xpietju

I know that Christmas is still a little over a month away, but I need at least 79 players, Because I sure most of you heard the song 12 Day of Christmas, well this contest is going to be done similar in that...example:

On the first day of Christmas, my true love told me to eliminated 12 players and gives each one of them a level 1500+. (I will use the to do the eliminated). On the second day of Christmas my true love told me to eliminated 11 players gives each one of them a level 1800+ and so on (each day one less person is eliminated) until we reach Christmas Day where the big prize is Luminous Delibird 6k+ (not sure what the the exact level yet because I haven't trained it yet, but I asked Zapdos if he will do the transfer if the winner doesn't have enough Trainer level for them to receive the prizes, He said he will, also He is going to check to see if anyone enter the contest more then one, if he tell me you did, you and all your accounts will be taken out of the contest and I will let someone takes your spots and also You will be disqualified all my future contest, here and on chat if you goes on chat.

the Eliminated part of the contest will officially starts on December 14, if I get the 79 players before then I will closed the thread until then and Open is back up on December 14, 2012. Everyone is going to win something, toward the ends the prizes get better, meaning it could be higher level (though not any higher the 3000 except for the Grand prize winner LuminousDelibird level 6k+) or it could be a Cursed or Shadow or Rainbow pokemon.

Note: all the pokemon given away will be winter (like Ice-type pokemon/christmas theme (like Stantler because he a deer pokemon or Snover because he look like a tree).

1. Do not enter more then one, if you do will be disqualified from this contest and all future contest and all you accounts also be disqualified.
2. Do not spam to much, you can talks here and there with other peoples, but dont makes useless spam like this "hhkskedhdvgjvn"
3. be kind to other. Dont be rude to someone opinion.
4. Dont pick your number, you will goes in order as your post is. also each time I do a eliminated, you number is going to change, meaning if you are number 9, and only number 7 was eliminated above you, your name will goes up to number 8, and number 8 will become number 7.
5. If you get ban on the RPG, you will be also disqualified.

I will added more rules if need.

What you need to do to enter:

Id number where you want the prize send to:

Favorite Christmas Song/Movie (this part is just for entertainment for me, want to see what other people favorite christmas stuff, it doesn't have any bearing on the contest):

1. DarkMrMime 115066- Runner-up
2. xpietju - #105363-Grand Prizes Winner

The player that was eliminated on the first day of Christmas are:
49. nahim #141235
63. Equestrian234 173496
61. 173106 ID:64767
27. Mountain Dew - 138268
76. kade 194998
56. llime9-55006
12. 1dogzilla - 59638
40. b1ackout - 182382
46. Tyizor - #113124
6. Joker14 - 53189
45. LegendaryTamers 63062
4. mewmasterXD - 7763

The players that was eliminated on the second day of Christmas are:
19. RichKidDre #111790
14. jp19 189734
35. torterra677 178457
43. Macboy98 113799
63. ManiacRuins -226677
58. mystery master - 101487
33. *Shifu-227326
30. LOTIO 126001
50. Leecherzx - #172900
34. M0NST3R.....ID IS #231323
16. Jarenn 100391

The Players that was eliminated on the Third Day of Christmas are:
18. jack73355 205384
17. sorensen03 115239
35. Myke 96163
2. Morioka 212255
32. blackGlurack 190068
22. spenserr id: 113110
40. 88946 xyoyo4
9. MistyMisty 143802
26. Rytrick 208268
23. Blackheartwarrior 85489

The Players that eliminated on the fourth day of Christmas are:
17. acap48220c #32619
4. kray - 214927
15. poopoo32 109638
19. brys18 20814
31. Darktrainer96 149925
44. mudsnot -166177
3.Raggedy Swagg #123432
11. Jeffrey0 132537
39. ENERGIExSHOT - #157962

The Players that eliminated on the fifth day of Christmas are:
33. amaan2 -103844
20. Yo man 3567 85931
16. Nikeguy 154
8. Fluttershy 94282
17. OnyxFlame 198439
13. Silent Jizzer 116521
22. *Andueza - #137173
12. Masroor Fahim 141312

The Players that eliminated on the Sixth day of Christmas are
27. metalhead72092 - 205464
23. sudarsan96 #210666
20. Jloguns - 81709
10. stevo09 - 20348
13. Nephew34 #142837
7. Kyogy - 198954
9. InfernapeX2 - #184031

The Players that eliminated on the Seventh day of Christmas are
12. *Firecle - #222703
8. * HasanBurney Storage - #212291
21. thohir10 - 188881
6. celine94 154757
19. Hitman41 - #157621
22. muhannad blubber 160375

The players that eliminated on the Eighth day of Christmas are:
4. artinny1 - 174668
8. Arsenic212 180999
6. apexn1 138069
11. gary12 150662
7. Kaizer498-238154

The players that eliminated on the Nineth day of Christmas are:

5. tycoon999 - 182659
6. Waqar #78763
9. charmtrainee - 141116
3. majisa 168081

The players that eliminated on the Tenth day of Christmas are:

2. Sumit06 - 120925
5. nate nate267 15567
1. Mango Dolphin 154279

The players that eliminated on the eleventh day of Christmas are:
4. nightflare12 - #236655
1. Katiesmiles 96994

Note: the ones with *'s next to their name, they pm me to enter, since the forum is giving them error, when they try to visit the forum (for some reason newer accounts doesn't have access to forum).

if you have any question, post them here or pm me.

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November 20, 2012 8:28:56pm (This post was last modified: December 14, 2012 1:06:39am by Mango Dolphin.)
    Post: #2 
GrimReaper Christmas Contest
I don't care that this is early! However, it bugs me that people are getting ready for Christmas on THANKSGIVING WEEK.

Username: Mango Dolphin
ID Number: Trainer #154279
Favorite Christmas Song: Winter Wrap Up by MLP; FIM (If that counts)
EDIT: I really liked the MLP Hearths Warming Eve episode. Continue on.

Tis I, Mango Dolphin! Suggester of Roleplays and Roleplay Master! Sort of.

[you must login to view links] - I love this song very so.
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November 20, 2012 8:29:07pm
    Post: #3 
Username: Morioka

Id number where you want the prize send to: 212255

Favorite Christmas Song/Movie (this part is just for entertainment for me, want to see what other people favorite christmas stuff, it doesn't have any bearing on the contest): My favorite movie is probably A Christmas Story. I don't really have a favorite Christmas song

Man is least himself when he talks in his own person. Give him a mask, and he will begin to speak the truth.

You've got to take the good with the bad, smile with the sad, love what you've got, and remember what you had. Always forgive, but never forget. Learn from mistakes, but never regret.

[you must login to view images]Made for me by Anarchy.
[you must login to view images]Made by Anarchy
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November 20, 2012 8:37:03pm
    Post: #4 

Id number where you want the prize send to:120925

Favorite Christmas Song/Movie (this part is just for entertainment for me, want to see what other people favorite christmas stuff, it doesn't have any bearing on the contest):No such specific favourites.

Selling Berries ~ Huge Berry Sale!

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November 20, 2012 8:42:03pm (This post was last modified: November 20, 2012 8:42:56pm by mewmasterXD.)
    Post: #5 
GrimReaper Christmas Contest

Id number where you want the prize send to:#7763

Favorite Christmas Song/Movie (this part is just for entertainment for me, want to see what other people favorite christmas stuff, it doesn't have any bearing on the contest):movie=arthur's Christmas

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all made by Sumit06

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made by DarkMew
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November 20, 2012 8:50:06pm
    Post: #6 
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November 20, 2012 8:50:24pm
    Post: #7 
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November 20, 2012 9:49:11pm
    Post: #8 
Username: kray
ID: 214927
Favorite Christmas thing: Family guy christmas special

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November 20, 2012 9:57:07pm
    Post: #9 

Id number where you want the prize send to:168081

Favorite Christmas Song/Movie: i don't have a favorite one
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November 20, 2012 10:13:01pm
    Post: #10 
Username: artinny1

Id number where you want the prize send to: ID #174668

Favorite Christmas Song/Movie (this part is just for entertainment for me, want to see what other people favorite christmas stuff, it doesn't have any bearing on the contest): I like just about any christmas song
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November 20, 2012 10:31:31pm
    Post: #11 
Katiesmiles 96994 - favorite movie and book about Christmas: a Christmas carol :3

Pop goes the balloon.
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November 20, 2012 10:36:42pm
    Post: #12 

Id number where you want the prize send to:223560

Favorite Christmas Song/Movie (this part is just for entertainment for me, want to see what other people favorite christmas stuff, it doesn't have any bearing on the contest): I dont really know, so many
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November 20, 2012 10:59:25pm (This post was last modified: November 23, 2012 7:19:15pm by 1dogzilla.)
    Post: #13 
GrimReaper Christmas Contest
Username: 1dogzilla - 59638

Favorite Christmas Song/Movie: "Carol of the Bells"/ Home Alone 3

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^^ My Work

If you have any questions, pm me! :D
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November 20, 2012 10:59:59pm
    Post: #14 
Id number: # 154757
Favorite Christmas Song/Movie: home alone

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first made by neko second made by anarchy
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November 20, 2012 11:08:20pm
    Post: #15 
User name: Kyogy
Id number where you want to send prize to #198954
Favorite Christmas song/movie Home alone 2

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