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story contest
January 22, 2013 11:50:46pm
    Post: #16 
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January 22, 2013 11:57:28pm
    Post: #17 
pm me rest
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January 23, 2013 2:30:18am
    Post: #18 
James was a strong pokemon trainer with 4 Kanto badges. James was traveling one day in search for the rest of the badges. James - i wonder how Hunter is doing. well time to challenge Koga. James then entered the gym. Koga was there waiting. Koga - Today is just one trainer after another oh well lets battle! James - Lets go! Koga then sent out Crobat. James - GO FREAKIN CHARIZARD! Crobat used toxic. Charizard is badly poisoned. Charizard used Flamethrower. charizard lost health from poison. crobat recovered HP with its black sludge. Crobat used protect. Charizard used flamethrower Crobat protected itself. Charizard lost health from poison. Crobat recovered health with its black sludge. Crobat used cross poison. Charizard used flamethrower. crobat fainted. Charizard lost health from poison. Koga sent out Muk. Charizard used Blast Burn Muk held on with its focus sash. James - Why does every single freaking Pokemon have a God Damn focus sash! Koga - I fight for my dignity!. Muk used sludge bomb. Charizard fainted. James - Your gonna pay for hurting my black Charizard. Go Lapras! Koga - You have horrible pride to use that pokemon. Lapras used ice beam! Muk is frozen solid. Koga - really whats the chances of that happening? Lapras used hydro pump Muk fainted. Koga sent out Weezing. Koga - Your about to lose your pride if you have any. James - After this can i have be you daughters boyfreind?? Koga - She does need a boyfriend and stop playing with her dolls. James - I undertsand Koga. Weezing used toxic Lapras is badly poisoned. Lapras used sheer cold. It Missed! Lapras lost health from poison. Koga - Give up! James - Just shut up. Weezing used sludge bomb. Lapras used sheer cold. Its a 1-hit KO. Weezing fainted. Koga - WHAT ARE THE CHANCES OF THAT HITTING. James - You lost now give me the badge before i pound your face in. Koga - well well well you beat me. You will be the perfect person to marry my daughter. James - Great I get to have a girl friend before Hunter does. Koga - Who exactly are you talking to? James - My imaginary friend? Koga - Good one take this badge. James - Thanks idiot. James then left the gym and healed his pokemon. Then a trainer called Anthoney appeared. James - Great the Noob of pokemon is here. Anthoney - I've been catching strong pokemon to beat you lets battle. James - No i'm not in the mood. Anthoney - Great ready to lose? James - hey i said no. Anthoney sent out Infernape. James - What dont you understand about no? James sent out Lapras. James - How could such an idiot have such an awesome pokemon?! Anthoney - At least i don't use a charizard. James - Your dead now! Lapras used hydro pump Infernape fainted. Anthoney sent out Pidgeot. Pidgeot used aerial ace. Lapras used ice beam. Pidgeot fainted. James - You actually suck worse than Koga. Anthoney - At least i don't use a Charizard. James - Don't disrespect Charizard. Anthoney sent out Wigglytuff. Lapras used sheer cold. Wigglytuff fainted. James - Alright how does that always hit? Anthoney - James why cant i ever beat you! well i found a white stone take it use it to throw at someone or something. Anthoney then summoned his pidgeot and flew away. I have more of this if you want i have a website for it not completly done. i edited this for the contest.
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January 23, 2013 5:23:27pm
    Post: #19 
There was once a boy named shadow a pokemon trainer with a dream to be the pokemon master he had one pokemon a gible and one day a trainer named pyro came and threw out his only pokemon a charizard and he sent out gible he yelled gible use dragon rage it hit the charizard but the charizard use flamethrower backa and he yelled gible finish it in one blow and gible defeated him
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January 24, 2013 4:34:22am
    Post: #20 
Millions of years ago, all of the Dragon Pokemon of all the regions, gathered at the base of Kyurem's Ice Mountain to gather their power to stop a powerful ancient evil known as the Enslaved. The Enslaved were 3 Ancient Pokemon named Yhcrana, Runnoir and Soiluyr. They were banished into the far reaches of space for being too violent, envious and greedy. Yhcrana was given the Chains of Enslavement to prevent his violence against the world. Runnior was given the Cloak of Solitude to stop his envy seeping into lesser creatures and influencing them to do wrong. When Soiluyr saw what had happened to his brothers, fled in fear along with his brothers and stolen treasures. In order to stop them from coming back, Dialga, Palkia and Giratina were given the jobs of guarding the three dimensions of Time, Space and Negative. Legend has it that the three brothers made a deal with an entity that lived at the edge of space. To be granted power that could both create and destroy galaxies in exchange for their souls......

1 Million Years Before Present Day:
The oncoming enemy had already taken over most of the planets in the galaxy in their wrath. Finally after days of preparation, the Legendary Dragon Pokemon were ready for the assault of the Enslaved. Giratina lead an army of Dark, Ghost and Dragon-types Pokemon. Dialga ordered an army Ice, Steel and Poison Types. Palkia commanded the rest.

As the sun set and the moon rose, The Enslaved and their army attacked like the worst of plagues, the monsters of nightmares in every dimension. Pokemon from other galaxies had seemed to be infected and brainwashed into becoming mindless soldiers of The Enslaved Army. Battles raged for days without end, deaths grew only on the doomed Legendary Dragon's Side, fear spreading and the Enslaved showed no sign of stopping. The legendary Dragon's Pokemon Armies were quickly swept aside like chess pieces by the vicious Enslaved Army.

Finally, years of fighting wasted, only the once great dragons Giratina, Dialga and Palkia stood. Side by side fending off attacks from all sides. One by one, they fell into a deep, dark slumber. The Ancient Brothers gathered around them, beginning a chant, they were warped in black light and disappeared without a trace, leaving only the devastated Earth to itself......

Why did they disappear? Why leave, when the Ancient Brothers were so close to victory. Perhaps the entity halted them, or maybe they just gave up. Who knows. Perhaps it will begin again in the not too distant future....
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January 24, 2013 11:35:55am
    Post: #21 
Long time ago, way before pokeballs existed, humans had to befriend pokemon with their bare heart, however there were people who capture them with traps, to make them slaves, to use them as tools. The pokemon who fought back were tortured so badly that they ended up passing away but the spirits of those pokemon never left, they stayed in the graveyard holding a grudge against humans. The graveyard kept getting filled with the bodies of the deceased pokemon, the grudges kept getting bigger and bigger. Many couple of years passed and they discoverd a gem that could capture pokemon in a harmless way, the cruelty against pokemon stopped, but the dead pokemons spirit were still holding the grudge. 300 years later those pokemon were now fossils, pokeballs now existed (thanks to those gems) and everything was modern. One day a pokemon researcher found the fossilized pokemon and he thought that he made a huge discovery, so him and his team stared digging them out and put them in regenertor to bring back to life the pokemon, but they noticed something was odd about those pokemon, they were all in colored red and black with a eerie black aura..they were what we now call cursed pokemon! The pokemon started attacking the humans without compasion, but normal pokemon saw this and stood up for the humans. And epic battle started, thousands of pokemon started clashing, but the cursed pokemon were overpowering the normal pokemon. They didnt know what to do. One trainer saw his pokemon was about to be attacked by 5 others and so the trainer jumps infront of his pokemon to protect it from the incoming attacks, he took the attacks, all the cursed pokemon stopped to watch what had happened because they were confused what the human did. The trainer was severly injured, and he looked at his pokemon and said "im glad you are okay" and those were his last words..he passed away. His pokemon broke down in tears and the cursed pokemon felt the overwhelming sadness of the trainers pokemon. It touched their hearts because they realized that not all humans are bad, suddendly their aura became a luminous as their color returned to normal, started to vanish within the air. Their spirist were now calm and left to the after life...the end.
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January 24, 2013 12:30:41pm
    Post: #22 
Once upon a time theres a pokemon named Claydol all the people was training there Baltoys to make a claydol 10% of Baltoy was evolved into Claydol and 90% was a Baltoy . Theres a boy named John and he look for a Baltoy . He was go to the woods and go to a haunted building he find a shiny Baltoy he throw a ultra ball and it catch a Sy Baltoy and he started to train it . the Sy Baltoy was evolve into Claydol . A powerful Snorlax was started to make a evil plan at the city and the boy was started to fight the Snorlax he's Sy Claydol was starting to attack focus punch and the Snorlax was scared to the Claydol and run up to the hill and the boy was save the city . The people thank her and the city mayor gives he a medal and the boy was staged as the hero of the city . -------{THE END}------- :' (
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January 24, 2013 12:32:23pm
    Post: #23 
its a simply story
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January 24, 2013 6:46:04pm
    Post: #24 
theres sum guy walkin down the street with a golden rayquaza lvl 100k his name is thohir10 he saw a little kid called yoshi he was holding a lvl 1 pikachu thohir10 got angry at yoshi so he commanded his golden rayquaza to push yoshi out of the way yoshii got so angry that he decided to challenge him to a duel so they can see who is stronger l8r that evening a old man walks by barging yoshi saying u can win if u loan crixus91 lvl 40k shadow lugia for 1k coins an hour then l8r sum guy called pdog2 says if u give me ur coins i will bet and pay u back double so u can buy sum pokemon from the auction house to beat thohir10 and then a hansume gud looking boy called abdul555 says no matter what happens in the battle ur still a winner in ur heart so try ur best. yoshi got really happy and excited full with spirit that he went to the battle with his lvl 1 pikachu pikachu has never seen yoshi this happy so he wanted to win the battle for yoshi then sum kid in the audience says u suck thohir10 is the best in the world that made pikachu really angry that he evolved into a SUPER SAIYAN lvl 100k yoshi was so excited he was crying tears of joy they battled it out the hardest they could but the golden rayquaza won by 1 hp(hp=health point i think) yoshi was happy that he tried his best and the \udience were like why aint he sad and then abdul555(hansum gud looking boy) screams saying yoshi tried his best and the audience wer cheering for yoshi he was the only person that stood up to thohir10.thohir10 was getting jelous so he commanded his golden rayquaza to use megahorn on the audience that atracted the legendary palkia.palkia sealed thohir10's golden rayquaza away to a parallel universe in space then palkia was attacking the planet earth because it had wierd magnetic pulses that drive palkia mad that he was gnna self destruct so yoshi got his SUPER SAIYAN powers to mak the magnetic pulses suitable for palkia palkia awarded yoshi the power of immortality and that was the day yoshi had been known as the best pokemon trainer in the universe
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January 24, 2013 10:03:16pm
    Post: #25 
Once upon a time there was a naughty little Gastly that would run around the forest scaring all the newly-hatched Weedles and caterpies as they played with all their friends. One day he walked up to a Caterpie and scared it so bad it started to glow! The gastly watched in horror as this giant green shell grew until it completely encased the poor Caterpie. The gastly had no idea what to do and was so scared he would get in trouble that he did not tell anyone about it, but he would check on it every day just in case.
One day when the gastly got back to the spot the cocoon had laid for weeks, he screamed out in horror. The shell was split open and there was nothing inside of it! The gastly was so startled he didn't realize what he was doing so he ran away as fast as he could until he ran into this strange pokemon. It had giant wings, antennas on its forehead, big pink eyes, and a purple body! As soon as he saw the strange creature the Ghastly felt oddly attatched to it. The Gastly and the Strange creature slowly became best friends and eventually fell in love.And this my friends..... is how the story about Gastly cheating on Butterfree with a ditto begins xD
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January 24, 2013 11:02:45pm
    Post: #26 
There was a pokemon, named Heracross. He was battling hard with Raticates in a forest. "Why did you attack me?" He asked.
The Raticates used Bite making him Flinch. "Its no use... It wont work!" Suddenly Sandshrew jumped in and used Earthquake hitting everybody, making the raticates faint as he helped Heracross up.
"Are you alright?" The Sandshrew asked... They went back to town.
"Haha....." A mysterious pokemon said
More coming soon

Looking for Siggys and Sprites.
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Thanks Anarchy!
I change my signature every often
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Thanks for the Regirock Siggy EVevolution!
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January 26, 2013 2:50:23pm
    Post: #27 
One day, a little boy named 3ed3 found a very sick pokemon named keldeo he gave all kinds of berries it did not work the he gave him medical items it still did not work he took it to nurse joy it did not work 3ed3 was thinking what person will do this to a pokemon he was crying the kryum appeared keldeo was scared 3ed3 ran with keldeo 3ed3 said what do you like to do keldeo needed water 3ed3 came to yoshi buster`s arceus he said to blast it with water gun gently he did it .....WORKED! 3ed3 was so happy but what about kryum keldeo said i need to Battle him again 3ed3 said okay yoshi buster came with 3ed3 and keldeo too but they needed vrizion coblion and treekion but they did not know were they where... tell me if you want pt 2

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January 26, 2013 4:06:28pm
    Post: #28 
Has this finished? If not, I have an entry...

[Weird setting story (Will fit later in the story)]
Charmander was stuck. The wild geodude's rock tomb had trapped him in the cave, separating him from his trainer. He spent the first hour clawing and pushing at the rocks, with no success, and the second hour crying, waiting for someone to find him. The 3rd hour, he lost hope, closed his eyes, waiting for sleep, and for the time to slow down and end..

Chapter 1: A new team

Skitty was happy. It was finally time for her to actually leave her house, and explore the wild, and see what glories could be there.
"I wonder what I might see?", she thought to herself, as she wandered down the dirt path, leading her to the makeshift town the pokemon had created. The original town used to be alive and had many pokemon there, but ever since trainers found out the existence of the town, many of the wild pokemon avoided the town, to avoid getting caught, and so they created another, quick town, a long distance away from the previous town.
"Hey skitty!" Azurill said, bouncing on his tail. "Getting ready to go out into the wild for the first time?"
"Hey azurill! Yep, my first time going out! I hope I have fun!" Skitty said, clearly excited of her first time going to the wild
"So, going to join an exploration team? Or just wander around the wild to be caught by a trainer?" Azurill asked, clearly inquisitive
"I'm not sure, but both would be fun!" Skitty said, thinking of the events which could happen. "I could be caught by a co-ordinator and used in contests, and groomed every day.... Or maybe be a battling pokemon, a powerhouse which no trainer could stop" she thought. "Or I could save pokemon all the time, and be a hero." She shivered in anticipation.

That's all i'm writing so far, I might write some more later though. All of that just came from my mind XD
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January 26, 2013 4:48:05pm
    Post: #29 
An unknown trainer wandered the Viridian Forest with his Pokémon he had four Pokémon, Venusaur, Staraptor, Gardevoir, and his Raichu. His name was Apollo he named after The Greek God. He was looking for the legendary Mew, known for being the mother of all Pokémon. He heard a scream for help a teenage girl was being attacked by wild Beedrill. He sent out his Staraptor he told it to use air slash on the Pokémon they quickly flew away. The trainer asked if she was okay she said she was fine. The trainer was relieved to know she was fine.

p.s il finish nthe story a bit l8r i got to eat
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January 26, 2013 4:48:48pm
    Post: #30 
She told her she had one Pokémon a Charizard whose pokeball had been knocked out her hand. She was a girl of about 16 years of age. She said she wanted to become the Pokémon champion. Then they heard a noise it was mew! He sent out all his Pokémon to battle Mew, the girl decided to help him catch the Pokémon. Staraptor used Hyper Beam, his Venusaur used Double Edge, Gardevoir used shadow ball, and his Raichu used Shock wave. Her Charizard used flame shot; only shock wave and shadow ball hot their target. Mew took a great deal of damage it was about to use teleport, her Charizard then used mean look. Mew then used discharge. All the Pokémon took a lot of damage, Apollo's Gardevoir then used hypnosis on Mew, and so it fell asleep. Apollo then used an Ultra ball on it. Then the Ultra ball captured Mew. Apollo thanked the girl for helping him capture Mew. She asked that perhaps that they should meet up again. Apollo said "Sure". Then the new companions said good bye to each other.
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