
Pokemon Creed Forums < Pokemon Creed - Market/Trades < Trading Notice
Trading Notice
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Trading Notice
August 25, 2011 10:44:24am (This post was last modified: April 09, 2014 5:09:24pm by Dualot.)
    Post: #1 
Trading Notice
Well read the things below to keep yourselves safe from being scammed or banned.

  • If you're getting your Pokemon trained, and it's valuable to you, ask the person training your poke to give you a "Collateral"(You can also say 'collat' for short).
  • This simply means whatever your Poke is worth, get something off the user training your poke that is the same value or near the Pokemon being trained.
    It can also mean where you hold one or more of the users Pokemon until they give back the Pokemon, so if they don't you get to keep their Poke.
    This also applies to lending.

  • No signature shops should be in this section, all must be in "Articuno's Artwork".

  • No scamming or you'll be banned.

  • Don't trade something that you don't have.

  • Bumping threads: Do not bump your thread if 30 minutes has not been passed, this means do not double post in your thread just to get it back to the top.

  • Don't bump also if it's still on the first page.

  • Don't be stupid. There is a way to present yourself, and stupid is not it.

  • Not the place to ask rates, or anywhere else in the forums.

  • This is also not the place to put Auction Threads, or anywhere else.

These can be changed at any time, so beware.

Happy Trading!

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