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Fishing Contest
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Fishing Contest
February 05, 2013 3:13:03pm
    Post: #16 
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February 06, 2013 9:49:05am
    Post: #17 
Thats a really nice idea. i often missclicked and whush, first place was away... it makes you just angry, the same is for
random swapping, there should be a message if it´s a shiny : he have a shiny, really wanna random swap it? something like this.
this would help pretty much.. :)
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February 06, 2013 11:06:49am (This post was last modified: February 06, 2013 11:07:29am by Darkrai18.)
    Post: #18 
Fishing Contest
Agree,this would be a big help to prevent players from accidentally recasting their rods.-yea because it also happened to me

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February 07, 2013 7:38:20pm
    Post: #19 
i agree, i have done that a few times. I support fully!!

check out my market idea thread [you must login to view links]

Click below to take a wish!
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February 08, 2013 3:29:50pm
    Post: #20 
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February 08, 2013 3:49:39pm (This post was last modified: February 08, 2013 11:48:21pm by fireheart666.)
    Post: #21 
Fishing Contest
Edit: Repeating the Same Post to spam a thread will result in a forum ban Don't do it again.

I like this idea and would rate it 10/10 because it would help The players and the wining chance will be high. and i also like to know about Cursed Deoxys event

ShinyDoduo ♂ - Level 5
ShinyDoduo ♀ - Level 108
ShinyFloatzel ♂ - Level 12

ShinyGraveler ♀ - Level 8
ShinyHo-Oh ♂ - Level 144
ShinyHo-Oh ♂ - Level 1008

ShinyLilligant ♂ - Level 5
ShinyPersian ♂ - Level 5
ShinyPidgey ♀ - Level 9

ShinyPonyta ♂ - Level 5
ShinyRattata ♀ - Level 5
ShinyStantler ♂ - Level 5

ShinyStarmie ♀ - Level 5
* ShinyStunfisk ♀ - Level 618
ShinyVoltorb ♂ - Level 5
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February 11, 2013 2:19:04pm
    Post: #22 
This seems to be a half good thing to happen 7/10

Name: majinhoff
Highest LV: 20277
Clan: APEX
Age: 2.2 years old
TL: 18593
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^thanks MaD Roby^
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^thanks Hot Dog^
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February 11, 2013 2:22:41pm
    Post: #23 
This honestly happened to me earlier with a 30k point kyogre (luckily i caught a 31k one soon after and am in 1st place right now, yay)
so i would really appreciate a function that would allow you to make sure if you want to recast a large numbered pokemon, but i do see the problem with botting/macroing so would have to say 7/10
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February 11, 2013 2:24:46pm
    Post: #24 
Yeah that would be great, that's happened to me a few times before, where it looks like it froze but when it does open, it's a different catch that my original one.
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February 27, 2013 10:33:14pm
    Post: #25 
I don't think this is a good idea. It may be good because the players have done it myself, even I have myself, but if this was included then there would be no paying attention to it required. They can just keep clicking and do something else until that warning pops up.
If they accidently click it, then it's their bad luck, they should be paying attention.

If they don't want to miss click, then press slowly, 1 minute per click, that will make sure there are no accidentals.

Idea Rate: 1/10
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February 27, 2013 10:56:29pm
    Post: #26 
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February 27, 2013 11:14:40pm
    Post: #27 
I think thats a really good idea for the contest. I have yet to get top three, cuz I need a superrod lol, but If I do, I'd be irrate if i let it go.
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February 28, 2013 12:19:29pm
    Post: #28 
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February 28, 2013 4:02:14pm
    Post: #29 
that is a good suggestion 10/10 it would be a huge difference for fishing contest rod
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