
Pokemon Creed Forums < Dratini's Deep Discussion < Mac or PC
Mac or PC
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Mac or PC
March 25, 2013 1:37:37am
    Post: #31 
I had Mac/PC/Linux and out of all of them, Linux is by far the best and hardest to use. It requires some coding knowledge, but doesn't eat nearly as much memory. It's also about 50 times harder to virus than Mac or PC. Out of Mac and PC, I can't say which one is better or faster. On top end computers like mine, they seem to be pretty equal with more recent versions of Mac VS Windows 7 PC.

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March 26, 2013 3:13:55am
    Post: #32 
PC. Primarily because I just don't really like the layout of MAC, and all of the ones I've used have been slow. They're overpriced for what you get, too, IMO.
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March 29, 2013 7:25:29pm
    Post: #33 

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April 01, 2013 1:42:14am
    Post: #34 
When considering a Mac or PC, their are several things to consider: usability; is the machine easy to use and is it suitable for the tasks that are required of the user. Protection: does the machine have a built in viral and/or protective app. Finally does the machine need adaptations for a prolonged life or does it need constant upgrades.
I believe the PC is easier to use and with cheaper upgrades can be a better machine for gaming and music. A PC tends to get terminal virus' even with protection and usually the PC is updated faster and costs a lot to achieve maximum performance.
The Mac is not a easy to use and does come with less options upgrades tend to be expensive. With constant interface with apple the machine is updated and I have never experienced a crash or terminal shutdown.

Overall I vote Mac
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April 20, 2013 9:46:18am
    Post: #35 
PCs get viruses and Macs don’t. That statement remains mostly true.Macs are very rarely prone to viruses, while battling these bugs is a challenge for PCs specifically shared PCs with Internet access.Many would argue that although Apple makes a better computer.In reality, the differences between Macs and PCs are not that great, aside from the minor matter of users adjusting to the change in operating system.

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June 13, 2013 10:33:34am
    Post: #36 
PC can do more than mac but is a lot harder to use where as mac is straight forward and idiot proof, but cant play games whoch is the best part about PC, that and its running time is longer
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June 13, 2013 4:09:28pm
    Post: #37 
I have a mac and they're so much better!
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June 14, 2013 12:06:13am
    Post: #38 
I have to say pc, because i never had a mac, but i use ipod and i really love apple for it, so i would have to try the macintosh (actual name)
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