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Flame on!
Post: #1
Flame on!
Okay! My monthly contest for this month is........
WHO CAN FIND MORE FIRE TYPES! Start whenever you want and post here if you've started and finished or have any Q's! Flame on every on! |
Post: #2
i started on 6 feb 2013
Post: #3
What is your contest? It doesn't make sense.
Spoiler: |
Post: #4
Lol wat is the prize and wat kinda contest is this no rules nothing make it clear
[you must login to view images] [you must login to view images] |
Post: #5
What's the contest about? Can u add rules and requirements plz.
Post: #6
Can u tell the prize and rules ...dont make sence by simply collecting pokes
Post: #7
Wats the cojtest about is it name all the fire type pokenon that start with q
Post: #8
i cant be bothered to count but i have at least 800 fire type poke
Post: #9
cant be bothered to count but i have at least 635 fire type poke if i wine the contest can you send me the prize
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