
Pokemon Creed Forums < Mudkip's Movies < Your Favorite Pokemon Movie
Your Favorite Pokemon Movie
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Your Favorite Pokemon Movie
April 10, 2013 9:41:24am
    Post: #31 
my favorite Pokémon movie mewtwo vs. mew

I think its because mew is just so adorable!
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April 14, 2013 6:53:25am
    Post: #32 
I think the movie that really struck me was The Rise of Darkrai. The one with celebi and suicune was also good.
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April 14, 2013 10:46:26am
    Post: #33 
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April 16, 2013 4:16:44am
    Post: #34 
I love the pokemon movie with Entei in it. That one is my favorite.

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April 16, 2013 4:58:54am
    Post: #35 
anothing Pokemon Movie I want was Celebi and the Guardian of Forest because when I was child that is only pokemon movie I know

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April 18, 2013 9:32:11pm
    Post: #36 
The movie I liked was the one with Arceus, Dialga, Palkia, and Giratina. Unfortunately, I saw this on TV; never looked at the title of the movie. But Ash befriends Arceus and somehow restores peace... yeah something like that.
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April 18, 2013 9:37:35pm
    Post: #37 
For me, thats the Best movie, ever and surely the mewto film but, i think i love the film because i love lugia
Pokémon the Movie 2000 - The Power of One
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April 18, 2013 9:48:05pm
    Post: #38 
i like all of the pokemon movies but my favorite movie would be the one with jirachi in it

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April 18, 2013 9:51:53pm
    Post: #39 
My favorite was pokemon heroes :/ never on anymore and i cant find it either :O
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April 18, 2013 11:10:44pm
    Post: #40 
My favorite pokemon movie is Pokemon the movie : Zoroark the Master of illusion....

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April 18, 2013 11:44:54pm
    Post: #41 
Pokemon The Movie 2000 The Power of One for sure! It was the best one but my preferable is Giratina & the Sky Warriors.
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April 19, 2013 12:00:11am
    Post: #42 
My personal favorite was Pokemon 2000.
Pokemon 2000 involved Zapdos, Moltres, and Articuno, in which Ash was forced to save them with the help of Lugia. Epic movie. :3

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April 19, 2013 4:53:21am
    Post: #43 
You can utilize this function if you are having problems with your box or party -- such, if you are trying to move a Pokémon to your sixth slot, but it is not working. In certain cases, this will fix that problem. Additionally, you can utilize this page in order to easily send your Pokémon to your box (except for yoYou can utilize this function if you are having problems with your box or party -- such, if you are trying to move a Pokémon to your sixth slot, but it is not working. In certain cases, this will fix that problem. Additionally, you can utilize this page in order to easily send your Pokémon to your box (except for yoYou can utilize this function if you are having problems with your box or party -- such, if you are trying to move a Pokémon to your sixth slot, but it is not working. In certain cases, this will fix that problem. Additionally, you can utilize this page in order to easily send your Pokémon to your box (except for yoYou can utilize this function if you are having problems with your box or party -- such, if you are trying to move a Pokémon to your sixth slot, but it is not working. In certain cases, this will fix that problem. Additionally, you can utilize this page in order to easily send your Pokémon to your box (except for yoYou can utilize this function if you are having problems with your box or party -- such, if you are trying to move a Pokémon to your sixth slot, but it is not working. In certain cases, this will fix that problem. Additionally, you can utilize this page in order to easily send your Pokémon to your box (except for yo
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April 19, 2013 4:54:39am
    Post: #44 
You can utilize this function if you are having problems with your box or party -- such, if you are trying to move a Pokémon to your sixth slot, but it is not working. In certain cases, this will fix that problem. Additionally, you can utilize this page in order to easily send your Pokémon to your box (except for yoYou can utilize this function if you are having problems with your box or party -- such, if you are trying to move a Pokémon to your sixth slot, but it is not working. In certain cases, this will fix that problem. Additionally, you can utilize this page in order to easily send your Pokémon to your box (except for yoYou can utilize this function if you are having problems with your box or party -- such, if you are trying to move a Pokémon to your sixth slot, but it is not working. In certain cases, this will fix that problem. Additionally, you can utilize this page in order to easily send your Pokémon to your box (except for yoYou can utilize this function if you are having problems with your box or party -- such, if you are trying to move a Pokémon to your sixth slot, but it is not working. In certain cases, this will fix that problem. Additionally, you can utilize this page in order to easily send your Pokémon to your box (except for yoYou can utilize this function if you are having problems with your box or party -- such, if you are trying to move a Pokémon to your sixth slot, but it is not working. In certain cases, this will fix that problem. Additionally, you can utilize this page in order to easily send your Pokémon to your box (except for yoYou can utilize this function if you are having problems with your box or party -- such, if you are trying to move a Pokémon to your sixth slot, but it is not working. In certain cases, this will fix that problem. Additionally, you can utilize this page in order to easily send your Pokémon to your box (except for yoYou can utilize this function if you are having problems with your box or party -- such, if you are trying to move a Pokémon to your sixth slot, but it is not working. In certain cases, this will fix that problem. Additionally, you can utilize this page in order to easily send your Pokémon to your box (except for yoYou can utilize this function if you are having problems with your box or party -- such, if you are trying to move a Pokémon to your sixth slot, but it is not working. In certain cases, this will fix that problem. Additionally, you can utilize this page in order to easily send your Pokémon to your box (except for yoYou can utilize this function if you are having problems with your box or party -- such, if you are trying to move a Pokémon to your sixth slot, but it is not working. In certain cases, this will fix that problem. Additionally, you can utilize this page in order to easily send your Pokémon to your box (except for yoYou can utilize this function if you are having problems with your box or party -- such, if you are trying to move a Pokémon to your sixth slot, but it is not working. In certain cases, this will fix that problem. Additionally, you can utilize this page in order to easily send your Pokémon to your box (except for yoYou can utilize this function if you are having problems with your box or party -- such, if you are trying to move a Pokémon to your sixth slot, but it is not working. In certain cases, this will fix that problem. Additionally, you can utilize this page in order to easily send your Pokémon to your box (except for yoYou can utilize this function if you are having problems with your box or party -- such, if you are trying to move a Pokémon to your sixth slot, but it is not working. In certain cases, this will fix that problem. Additionally, you can utilize this page in order to easily send your Pokémon to your box (except for yoYou can utilize this function if you are having problems with your box or party -- such, if you are trying to move a Pokémon to your sixth slot, but it is not working. In certain cases, this will fix that problem. Additionally, you can utilize this page in order to easily send your Pokémon to your box (except for yoYou can utilize this function if you are having problems with your box or party -- such, if you are trying to move a Pokémon to your sixth slot, but it is not working. In certain cases, this will fix that problem. Additionally, you can utilize this page in order to easily send your Pokémon to your box (except for yoYou can utilize this function if you are having problems with your box or party -- such, if you are trying to move a Pokémon to your sixth slot, but it is not working. In certain cases, this will fix that problem. Additionally, you can utilize this page in order to easily send your Pokémon to your box (except for yoYou can utilize this function if you are having problems with your box or party -- such, if you are trying to move a Pokémon to your sixth slot, but it is not working. In certain cases, this will fix that problem. Additionally, you can utilize this page in order to easily send your Pokémon to your box (except for yo
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April 19, 2013 5:55:07am
    Post: #45 
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