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New Clan Promo Ash's Pikachu
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New Clan Promo Ash's Pikachu
February 23, 2013 5:31:28am
    Post: #1 
New Clan Promo Ash's Pikachu
New Clan Promo Ash's Pikachu will be given out from February 23 to February 27 and there is only 3 Ash's Pikachu left so hurry up and send 55 coins to PokemonMAsh36!

Spring Tournament will begin on March 3 in 3:00pm and to enter you must PM PokemonMAsh36 this entry....

Trainer ID:
Pokemon Name(You must choose three pokemon):
Trainer Name:

There will be three different prizes chose randomly!

Hey Everyone if you answer the following questions correct text me by mail and you will receive a random prize it might be money/Coins/Pokemon/Points

1.Who is a Pokemon that is a fighting and water type?

2.Which Pokemon is a dragon type?
A) Erudition
D)All the Above

3. What is the changes in Pokemon Black and White 2(List the changes)?
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March 11, 2013 10:54:28pm
    Post: #2 
WOW! I want to join but I will be all the trainers that you will have to give me the prize in 50 seconds!
Trainer #:188990
Pokemon Name: CursedSkitty, ShinyPawniard, ShinyTorterra
Trainer Name: PokemonMAsh36

Hey Everyone if you answer the following questions correct text me by mail and you will receive a random prize it might be money/Coins/Pokemon/Points

1.Who is a Pokemon that is a fighting and water type?

2.Which Pokemon is a dragon type?
A) Erudition
D)All the Above

3. What is the changes in Pokemon Black and White 2(List the changes)?
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March 11, 2013 11:17:52pm
    Post: #3 
looking cool but those dates are gone

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