
Pokemon Creed Forums < Mudkip's Movies < what is your favorite comedy movie?
what is your favorite comedy movie?
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what is your favorite comedy movie?
April 07, 2013 7:10:11pm
    Post: #16 
my fav comedy movie is Kevin heart laugh at my pain .. and a few older ones just can't remember them atm
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April 07, 2013 10:02:45pm
    Post: #17 
For me, Adam Sandler movies are the best comedies movies. Grown Ups is the best and 50 First Dates is a close second. (I don't advise young kids to watch these movies, just saying)

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April 08, 2013 2:27:07am
    Post: #18 
Disaster Movie
Scary Movie
Meet the Spartans
You Don't Mess Witth The Zohan
They're the funniest movies that I watched xD

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Both made by Campt. :)

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Both made by Prodesigner. :)

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Both made by Tippytippy2. :)

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April 08, 2013 2:43:50am
    Post: #19 
I preferably like older funny movies like dumb and dumber, liar liar, ace venture. Jim Carrey is a great comedy actor. rofl
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April 08, 2013 2:56:20am
    Post: #20 
the best I've ever seen was mute and Charlin chapin not know if that's how you spell
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April 08, 2013 5:05:29am
    Post: #21 
A Fish Called Wanda, Bridesmaids, In & Out...that's all I can think of off the top of my head. I tend to like a lot of Dramadies lol

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April 09, 2013 3:10:32am
    Post: #22 
I loved Meet The Spartans. xD Lol.

My favorite would have to be Monty Python and the Holy Grail.
British humor is great.

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April 09, 2013 10:43:07pm
    Post: #23 
my favorite one is meet the parents but I also like a lot of other ones too
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April 12, 2013 9:34:36pm
    Post: #24 
I'd have to say Borat. A classic comedy that is refreshing.
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May 04, 2013 10:37:22am
    Post: #25 
The Hangover movies, and even though Vampires Sucks wasn't a big hit, I kindly liked watching that. xD
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May 04, 2013 12:52:04pm
    Post: #26 
I like the movie Johnny English. and it's second part. Rowan Atkinson sure did a great job in these movies.
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May 04, 2013 1:09:59pm
    Post: #27 
My favorite comedy movie is nepoleon dynamite, it is so funny.
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May 06, 2013 6:16:46am
    Post: #28 
Formerly How I Met Your Mother. Now it's just The Big Bang Theory. :)
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May 08, 2013 4:26:52am
    Post: #29 
Due Date. That movie's just awesome, especially when they shows Alan and Charlie Harper. :D
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May 13, 2013 8:47:24am
    Post: #30 
Hangover 1 & 2
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