
Pokemon Creed Forums < Pokemon Creed - Clans < Looking for more members for my clan
Looking for more members for my clan
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Looking for more members for my clan
March 17, 2013 3:09:50pm (This post was last modified: April 07, 2013 1:39:44pm by PokemonMAsh36.)
    Post: #1 
Looking for more members for my clan
Join Shadow Rangers Base to turn your weaknesses into your advantages!

If you join my clan I will teach you the secrets of the trainers from the NPC fights!

Secret Message:
I know some of the moves that Zapmolcuno use:
1)Hyper Beam
3)Night Shade
4)Double Kick
2)Fire Blast
3)Hyper Beam
4) Quick attack
1) Waterfall
2) Ice beam
3) Fly
4) ???
The clan uses these secrets to be able to chose what attacks we should do!
If I find the other hidden moves of Moltres and Articuno, my clan will use the secrets of Zapmolcuno to be able to beat Zapmolcuno! If you know any more moves of Zapmolcuno plz post it here!

Hey Everyone if you answer the following questions correct text me by mail and you will receive a random prize it might be money/Coins/Pokemon/Points

1.Who is a Pokemon that is a fighting and water type?

2.Which Pokemon is a dragon type?
A) Erudition
D)All the Above

3. What is the changes in Pokemon Black and White 2(List the changes)?
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March 17, 2013 7:33:40pm
    Post: #2 
you should add water fall Ice beam and fly to Articuno I can't seem to remember the other ones though I hope this helped you buddy
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April 07, 2013 1:40:56pm
    Post: #3 
thx Mechalord plz join my clan if you don't have a clan or not in a clan.

Hey Everyone if you answer the following questions correct text me by mail and you will receive a random prize it might be money/Coins/Pokemon/Points

1.Who is a Pokemon that is a fighting and water type?

2.Which Pokemon is a dragon type?
A) Erudition
D)All the Above

3. What is the changes in Pokemon Black and White 2(List the changes)?
Thank this message
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