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Life in Space?
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Life in Space?
March 25, 2013 7:41:29pm
    Post: #16 
Aliens do exist. Like the Tooth Fairy. Or ghosts. Or strawberry pie.

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March 29, 2013 12:35:23pm
    Post: #17 
Alien life has been proven. Mars has fossilized remain of bacteria and still has frozen water with small amounts of oxygen trapped in it. Also, four planets have been recently discovered just outside the Milky Way that orbit a sun similar to ours. These planets are estimated to be roughly ten times the size of Earth and, while one is frozen solid like Pluto, the other three have a very similar atmosphere to ours. This is potential not only for life, but similar life to humans.

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March 29, 2013 12:44:43pm
    Post: #18 
The Universe is so big.. How can Earth be the only living thing?
Anyway, yep there is life outside earth in the space. There are many people from earth living on the moon right now.. Does that count too?

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March 29, 2013 3:54:14pm
    Post: #19 
I believe that there is life out there. They just discovered a planet that could sustain life. My guess is that the planet does sustain life.
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March 30, 2013 1:02:18am (This post was last modified: March 30, 2013 1:03:21am by OnyxFlame.)
    Post: #20 
Life in Space?
If we ever contact extraterrestrial life, it will either be machine based or resemble Earth's fungi. Encountering machines sent out by biological life is the most likely scenario, they are much more durable and therefore can be sent out to more star systems more easily. Think about the probes that humans have sent out already that are on course to exit the Solar System; a more advanced society (thousands or millions of years ahead of ours) would be able to send out billions of probes with little effort to create a map of our galaxy. Fungi-like lifeforms would be another likely scenario, though not as much, because of how durable and adaptable fungi are on Earth. Fungi don't need visible light to grow, they get energy straight from radiation. Certain slime molds in laboratories have displayed an astonishing level of intelligence, planning, and awareness.

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March 30, 2013 3:55:08am
    Post: #21 
There are more universes, galaxies, etc, than we know. I can't imagine that all of that space, all of those planets and environments we will never discover, that all of that is a waste of space with no life at all. Humans feel like we're so advanced because we compare our present to our past, I think we don't see sometimes how limited we really still are.
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March 30, 2013 4:14:49am
    Post: #22 
In space we could think we are the smartest or only living race in the world without really knowing it ourselves.Yet,we consern ourselves with less school.Back then,people had to learn like 86 planets or something,and the children learned their division and time tables by 3rd grade.Some schools even allowed you to drop out by 8th grade,and as you all know,they used to paddle them,and some schools still do,but the parents do know.

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April 07, 2013 3:30:27pm
    Post: #23 
I believe aliens do exist and merely because our understanding of how life began on earth doesn't necessary means it has to be on other planets. On our own planet we have organisms that lives in extreme conditions, we call these organisms extremophile. For example there are organisms that live below the bottom of the ocean, imagine he pressure that will cause on the 'body' so why can't other life forms exist in conditions such as these or even more extreme? We can't apply our Earthly logic on the origin of life .

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April 11, 2013 6:49:39pm
    Post: #24 
I am pretty sure no alien needs to kill, if they are civilized enough to travel to a planet lightyears away from theirs, then they must know not to cause destruction, instead of conquering and ruling the place(like a space colony of theirs).

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April 13, 2013 5:29:05pm
    Post: #25 
Astronauts. That is all.

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April 13, 2013 6:26:56pm
    Post: #26 
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May 30, 2013 4:16:16am
    Post: #27 
The only sign of intelligent life is that it hasn't tried to contact us.

(I think there's a very, very good chance of it. At the very LEAST, microscopic life.)

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May 30, 2013 11:10:26pm
    Post: #28 
I think so cuz the universe in infinite so there has to be a planet just like ours with life
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May 31, 2013 6:08:46am
    Post: #29 
i think alien is doesnt exsis, the universe race in galaxy is only in earth, that is human, alien is fairytale

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May 31, 2013 7:01:03am
    Post: #30 
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