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What is the worst crime committed?
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What is the worst crime committed?
March 19, 2013 3:33:00am
    Post: #16 
The Nanking Massacre was a pretty horrible thing for human beings to do. Research it at your own risk, there's a lot of disgusting and heinous crimes that were committed by the Japanese military when they occupied the Chinese city of Nanking in 1937. What's worse is that there's a movement by some Japanese historians to suppress knowledge of this event or flat-out deny it altogether.

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March 19, 2013 5:07:35am
    Post: #17 
I would have to say the worst crime ever created was that of 9/11 and the Sandy Hook Shooting because all the facts dont add up. The government is hiding key facts behind these two atrocious events and we as the American public should be allowed to know.
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March 19, 2013 1:20:23pm
    Post: #18 
The Holy Crusades was the worst crime against humanity. Besides killing far more people than is divulged, ended with tribes, small villages and preached that it was all in the name of God.
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March 20, 2013 11:18:35pm
    Post: #19 
I would have to say the Summer Olympic attack at Munich, Germany. That caused harsh feelings between countries. Next would be the Holocaust. And the latest would have to be 9/11

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March 21, 2013 1:10:18pm
    Post: #20 
Two kids killed a baby in London... I saw it on a youtube vid last time, and it IS scary!!!

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March 22, 2013 2:40:15am
    Post: #21 
Imo, I think the worst crime committed has got to be hating MLP: FiM, the show is so cute, how could you hate on it?

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March 22, 2013 1:38:57pm
    Post: #22 
I feel like one of the worse crimes is war, it takes so many lives, everyone just needs to quit so closed minded and learn to see thing from multiple ways and not just one.

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March 25, 2013 7:38:39pm
    Post: #23 
9/11 was very bloodcurdling, and the Holocaust is... (comment successfully withheld).

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March 25, 2013 8:06:46pm
    Post: #24 
not 9/11 how about the axe murder house google it its grusome it took the titanic off the front page

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March 25, 2013 8:08:43pm
    Post: #25 
oh and the crusafying of jeauas that is the worst by far ... i cant spell today...

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April 05, 2013 7:00:52pm
    Post: #26 
I think that Hitler commited the worst crime in history
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April 05, 2013 7:06:30pm
    Post: #27 
I think it was the greatest crime against humanity in history happened in the former ex-USSR against Christians and members of other religions
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April 06, 2013 9:51:42am
    Post: #28 
When i wanted to answer the question i had to take into consideration moderate events. What seems to me to be the worst crime ever are the genocides President Bashar does on his own people in Syria. Imagine your own president not only betraying his own people but destroying them and their country with guns, missiles, tanks, bombs, even with war air-crafts.
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April 06, 2013 11:21:34am
    Post: #29 
The 2011 Norway attacks and the shooting in Connecticut. I felt pretty bad when I read the news.

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April 06, 2013 1:00:01pm
    Post: #30 
I would have to say what Hitler did to all the victims of WW1...
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