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Weather, a hype of Global warming or natural
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Weather, a hype of Global warming or natural
March 19, 2013 7:57:05pm
    Post: #1 
Weather, a hype of Global warming or natural
I personally believe that the Earth is midway through a polar shift which historically, (proven by astronomers and geologists) is the beginning of an ice-age.

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March 21, 2013 1:14:10pm
    Post: #2 
They do say a polar shift happens every 8 billion years (not sure). Thing is, earth hasn't done it since its birth. That's why the magnetic fields of earth is gradually becoming weaker.

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March 22, 2013 1:50:45pm
    Post: #3 
It could possibly be true, we are kinda in due for a ice age.. Would be very awesome to live through.. Imagine writing a book on how you lived through it, and it be read for hundreds(if not thousands) of years.

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March 22, 2013 5:36:47pm
    Post: #4 
Throughout Earth's history the magnetic poles have shifted, on average, once every 500k to 700k years. It doesn't necessarily occur at that same rate, it's just the average over a period of 4.5 billion years. Periodically, the poles have a roughly equal chance of flipping or staying the same; it's just like flipping a coin over and over again where the previous result does not affect the next one, sometimes you get a sequence like this: H T H T H T H, and sometimes like this: T H H H H H T. This next link ([you must login to view links]) shows a good illustration of reversal events. Scientists believe that the magnetic pole shift takes anywhere from 1k to 10k years to complete; while it is in the process of flipping, the magnetic field will be weakened, and we're not certain what effects that will have on the Earth's ecosystem.

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April 08, 2013 11:26:57pm
    Post: #5 
Im not really sure about the whole global warming thing, but i do know that if i could control the weather, i would be one happy camper
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April 08, 2013 11:40:27pm
    Post: #6 
Not really sure, but I really hope this doesn't happen lol
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April 09, 2013 2:01:14am
    Post: #7 
I believe in global warming because it's basically a scientific consensus. I'm going to side with NASA rocket scientists over some non-scientific politicians.
If there is an ice age, it won't happen for a very long, long time after everyone on earth now is dead. But you know, global warming = climate change, and climate and weather aren't the same thing.
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April 09, 2013 5:44:55am
    Post: #8 
Polar shifts happen way more often than 8 billion years and mini ice ages happen about every 200000 years. A mini ice age is just the earth rising 7 degrees F over-all. Yes it is getting a little colder and yes, we are at the start of one of these mini ice ages. They last about 100 years. As for global warming, that's a joke. When no two scientists can even agree if it's happening or what would cause it, it's probably just crap. Also, if you see a graph of the solar activity and a global weather graph, they almost overlap perfectly.

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April 10, 2013 6:44:38pm
    Post: #9 
I believe the weather is natural hence the passing of seasons and everything changing. Now when the weather raises sea levels to a certain degree then it will be a different story but who knows because global warming can be tricky
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April 11, 2013 5:27:28pm
    Post: #10 
There is little evidence out there to support your 'mini ice age' theory and their frequency. And about the global warming thing, you're absolutely wrong. The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) seems to vehemently disagree with your assertion that scientists can't agree on anything regarding climate change, they have come to the consensus that global warming is happening and is "very likely" caused by human actions. [you must login to view links]

Please have some supporting evidence the next time you start spouting your conspiracy theories.

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May 30, 2013 11:55:02pm
    Post: #11 
That could be true , or there might have just been an odd solar flare that weakened the magnetic fields. Its hard to formulate an opinion on a topic i dont fully understand
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May 31, 2013 7:03:04am
    Post: #12 
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June 08, 2013 12:26:20pm
    Post: #13 
Global warming I think is caused by human technology that makes the atmosphere hotter that's why the ice capsules are turning into water and will make the ocean rise
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June 08, 2013 3:03:39pm
    Post: #14 
Here's what happens with global warming. The sun radiates energy in the form of electromagnetic radiation (microwave, infrared, x-ray, gamma ray, etc), but for our purposes, we're only really concerned with visible light. Visible light (~390 - 700nm) is what plants use in photosynthesis and other organisms use for energy.

Right now, we have all kinds of pollutants in the atmosphere; we call these greenhouse gases (carbon dioxide, methane, etc). Visible light can, for the most part, pass through these gases unaffected. The suns rays penetrate the atmosphere and arrive here on the surface of the planet. All that light creates heat (heat is just another way of saying how much energy there is) which is radiated from the surface in the form of infrared light. If you've ever seen tv shows or movies with 'infrared cameras' they're detecting the heat signatures of different objects.

The infrared radiation is absorbed by the greenhouse gases and is unable to escape the atmosphere. Because, overall, the amount of radiation/energy received by the Earth is greater than the radiation/energy that is released by the Earth. And when the net energy of the planet increases, the total amount of heat increases, and thus we get global warming. It doesn't have to affect everyone the same way to be true, some people are experiencing record low temperatures, however that is outweighed by the fact that a majority of people around the world have observed the hottest 15 years in recorded history.

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June 08, 2013 4:12:43pm
    Post: #15 
i dot think it all about global warming but us humans are causing the climate change as well
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