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Unknown IP.
Post: #1
Unknown IP.
[you must login to view images]
I don't use proxys to enter pokemoncreed. Can anybody check this ip for me? [you must login to view images] |
Post: #2
There's no one on that IP currently. Was any Pokemon taken?
[you must login to view images] -First person to beat the Elite Four. -First Pokdex God. Spoiler: |
Post: #3
Nope. No pokemon was traded or sent from my account :o
[you must login to view images] |
Post: #4
Just change your password :p nothing can do if don't know who the guy is.
[you must login to view images] -First person to beat the Elite Four. -First Pokdex God. Spoiler: |
Post: #5
Alright. Thanks tho
[you must login to view images] |
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