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weed legalization
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weed legalization
April 01, 2013 9:05:26pm
    Post: #1 
weed legalization
hello i am teuntj1badb3 where i live weed i legal but in almost everywhere in the world it is not. do you think weed and hasj should be legalized? and for what purposes recreational or medicinal or both? i think everyone(at a certain age) (16) should be allowed to smoke a joint or use a bong. please post your opinion if you have one

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April 01, 2013 11:33:19pm
    Post: #2 
I say that it should be legalized for medicinal uses ONLY. That, and it should only be legalized to only people over the age of 21. And only after they do more research on the effects of marijuana.
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April 02, 2013 12:02:37am
    Post: #3 
Legal or not never stopped me anyway xD
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April 02, 2013 12:19:55am
    Post: #4 
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April 03, 2013 5:37:20am
    Post: #5 
I don't smoke marijuana, but I do support legalization and here's why: We're spending billions here in America fighting a war on drugs, mostly on marijuana (look around and you would be sickened at how much some states are using on it). If it were totally legal, not only would there be no using billions on fighting it, but there would also be more income from it and a need for more store attendants. Almost every study that doesn't come from America also shows that it helps with all kinds of medical conditions, right down to colds by helping dry the sinus passages. It also is about 50 times healthier for you than those cigarettes that big tobacco companies are allowed to put on the shelves every day. In short, it helps people with stuff we're already selling over-the-counter medicine for, it would help the economy and it's not even very bad for the environment when compared to cigarettes.

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April 04, 2013 7:16:21pm
    Post: #6 
Well, erm, i havent heard of legalzed weed. Maybe medicinally legal mariguana

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April 04, 2013 7:56:05pm
    Post: #7 
we have shops where you can buy weed if you are over 18 you can even buy mushrooms xD in amsterdam alone there are 30 of those shops(coffeeshops are they called in dutch xD) even where i live there's one(enkhuizen in North-Holland) hehe it is very convenientely situated near a bar(my favorite bar :p) also drinking alcohol is(still) allowed at the age of sixteen :p

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April 04, 2013 8:50:37pm
    Post: #8 
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April 04, 2013 9:41:33pm
    Post: #9 
Swag, do you mean medicinal use or get, er, drunk use? sorry if thats a bit graphic

Honestly, reputationn shows nothing for a player. You could have high reputation and be themost mean spririted person on creed or the otheer way around.
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April 04, 2013 9:42:59pm
    Post: #10 
I guess it would only have to go for medical purposes, definately not for addictive drug use. But that's my opinion, and people have different views :P
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April 04, 2013 9:54:42pm
    Post: #11 
Im pretty sure most druggies would take advantage of it, unfortunately.

Honestly, reputationn shows nothing for a player. You could have high reputation and be themost mean spririted person on creed or the otheer way around.
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April 04, 2013 10:48:02pm
    Post: #12 
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April 07, 2013 11:40:27pm
    Post: #13 
legal or not its still going to be here why waste time on marijuana? there are no proven cases marijuana harms your body or kills you spend time rebuilding cities, school, child obesity you know something more important they will never stop people from smoking so spend the money and time on more important things
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April 08, 2013 12:53:57am
    Post: #14 
Well, it isn't as bad for you as cigarettes or getting drunk. I used to be against it, but now, I kind of think it would help create jobs and countries could benefit from the tax dollars. Besides, it being illegal isn't stopping anyone who really wants it anyway.
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April 18, 2013 9:35:21pm
    Post: #15 
A reason weed should be legal is for hemp. Hemp is marijuana not used for smoking but to create products. It can make paper, clothing, fiberboard twice as strong as wood and much much more. It is illegal to grow because it is lumped in with marijuana. This has caused one of the most helpful plants to be inuseable which causes us to chop down trees. But I know that even if you legalize it or not there will still be people who smoke it for their own enjoyment.

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