
Pokemon Creed Forums < Sunkern's Studying Session < Homework tips
Homework tips
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Homework tips
April 10, 2013 2:43:22pm
    Post: #1 
Homework tips
Homework tips!

1) This is quite obvious but here it is, do not play on your computer, laptop whatever for too long.

2)Take your time and try your best.

3)Do not listen to people when they say they know the answers, they are trying to make you get bad marks.


5)Do not take too many little breaks, they can add up quickly!

6)Pretty obvious, do not copy other people, they might have a lot wrong!

7)Wake up early so you can concentrate, early to bed early to rise! Your brain is a LOT more fresh in the morning!

8)Do NOT try to do extra homework unlesss you quadruple (X4) checked your answers!

9)Try to enjoy yourself.

10) Check your grammar and spelling, like I have in this thread!

11) Final tip: Check your workings out or else in your homework you can very quickly lose marks!

Hope this helps!

Good luck in your homework/exams people!

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April 11, 2013 7:47:44pm
    Post: #2 
>.< Didn't help. Here's my tip:
Google it, then memorize the answers XD

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April 11, 2013 9:59:24pm
    Post: #3 
Thanks for the tips. I have a couple of exams tomorrow. I'll be sure to use these tips, but I did finish my Homework at school. (My 7th hour teacher gives us a bunch of time to do so.) I guess I have to follow tip 1 pretty soon.

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Thanks Amy!
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April 11, 2013 10:32:18pm
    Post: #4 
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April 13, 2013 10:07:11am
    Post: #5 
actually, a good tip for studying is to keep your shoes on... that way, you won't be able to sleep cause your brain "thinks" that you're still in school...
eating something during your study session will also help you stay awake
If both tips don't work. google everything or you're screwed xD

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Both made by Campt. :)

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April 14, 2013 7:06:01am
    Post: #6 
Try to give your self some kind of reward after doing the actual homework, that always keeps me motivated. specially when answering math questions. sometimes listening to music is also good, based on my experiences. hope this helps.
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May 11, 2013 10:23:03pm (This post was last modified: May 11, 2013 10:34:31pm by kenjiyu.)
    Post: #7 
Homework tips
Thanks for the tips. They helped a bunch, but do these tips apply for all homework,or are they focused on a specific topic?

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May 12, 2013 3:13:17am
    Post: #8 
I like to eat while studying or doing my homework, it keeps me awake, specially when it's sort of boring. hope that helps.
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May 13, 2013 11:56:08am
    Post: #9 
Thanks for the guide this really helped and the tip number 5 was very helpful because I like to take breaks.
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May 13, 2013 2:16:00pm
    Post: #10 
Can you guys help me study for the exams 4 weeks from now i dont know a propper way to study i always study alot in 1 subject and almost none in others :/

Training 20/b
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May 17, 2013 1:02:46am
    Post: #11 
I may have some homework so I will use the advice dabomb1

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Thank you lilpikachu313 it's great!
My friends on creed
If I forgot you message me and I'll put u on
thank you people who trained for me
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May 29, 2013 5:42:25am
    Post: #12 
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May 30, 2013 2:38:16am
    Post: #13 
What evil psycotic person ever invented the idea of homework? Curse youuuu!!!!!
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May 30, 2013 3:05:25pm
    Post: #14 
This is the complete opposite for me... Wake up early. Get to school then do badly at school. Come home, play Pokemon Creed for hours on end. (It is too addictive!) Go to bed extra late and do no revising. Then go to school the next day feeling tired and not ready for school. I will be sure to use these tips next time I have an Exam the next day:)
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May 30, 2013 5:13:43pm
    Post: #15 
thanks for the tips
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