
Pokemon Creed Forums < Rattata's Music Rave < A music analyzer ?
A music analyzer ?
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A music analyzer ?
April 10, 2013 9:59:35pm
    Post: #1 
A music analyzer ?
Hey guys I have a problem.
I have a ton of music but Itunes or windows media player doesn't show the right titles or/and artist and most of the time doesn't even show an album its made from.
Now I know how to set these things manually but that takes to long and time is money so does anyone know a program that can analyse the music just by the sound and set the title artist and album for it ?

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April 11, 2013 1:36:07am
    Post: #2 
Shazam is a app on Andriod and Apple
where you can get the title of the song's, but it has limited metal selections


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April 11, 2013 2:40:40am
    Post: #3 
Did you rip the songs illegally (download/ripped off of youtube or frostwire, etc.) or legally (CDs, amazon music, etc.)? If legally you should be able to go to control settings and force the title out, especially if off of a CD. If illegally, well I can't tell you because that would be illegal :P If you still can't them, just google the lyrics and find a lyric website and see if they match and just rename the song.

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April 11, 2013 8:50:48am
    Post: #4 
I didn't yet find any application that can automatically update song titles or albums; you have to do that manually. You can use 'Mp3Tag' though. It lets you edit a lot of songs altogether in a single folder at the same time. You'll save up time by doing so, instead of going through them one by one. :)

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