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Well then what did I do ?
Post: #1
Well then what did I do ?
Donbuttery wanted to train 10 billion for my sy cressanela cressen... Whatever so I said no and checked my thred and he try's to sabatage my selling with this
[you must login to view links] < this here is the rate list can some one please tell me where it says 5k LOL He said that on my thread then he pm's me saying you won't get a better offer then 5 billion but I will give you six LOL so I have him a -1 saying don't sabatage my threads and be rude Di then he and 4 people -1 me like really ? May they be banned what did I do to them they all say wow don't -1 somone for no reason they haven't heard my side of the story and I clearly explained why ... So I dealetedthe -1 I gave to don if nothing happens may you please freaze this account???
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