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Jackie Robinson Movie 42
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Jackie Robinson Movie 42
April 25, 2013 2:24:58am (This post was last modified: April 25, 2013 2:29:43am by Deadaim22.)
    Post: #1 
Jackie Robinson Movie 42
Has anyone seen the movie "42" if you want to watch it or u don't know what it is here is the plot and cast.

The film tells the story of Jackie Robinson (Chadwick Boseman) and, under the guidance of team executive Branch Rickey (Harrison Ford), Robinson's signing with the Brooklyn Dodgers to become the first African-American player to break the baseball color barrier. The story focuses mostly on the 1947 Brooklyn Dodgers season and somewhat on the 1946 season with the Montreal Royals. Jackie Robinson and his team stop by a gas station. Robinson is refused entry to the washroom but the team says they'll find another gas station so the attendant allows Robinson to use it. As Robinson comes out, a scout for the Dodgers approaches him and sends him to Brooklyn. He is offered a $600 contract and $3,500 signing bonus which Robinson accepts but he is told to control his temper if he wants to play. Robinson proposes to his girlfriend by phone. She accepts.
During Dodgers spring training, Robinson successfully makes it to the franchise farm team in Montreal. After a great season there and spring training in Panama, he advances to the Dodgers. Most of the team soon signs a petition stating they refuse to play with Robinson, but manager Leo Durocher (Christopher Meloni) insists the rookie will play for his team. Durocher is then suspended over an affair with a celebrity, leaving the Dodgers without a manager.
In a game against the Philadelphia Phillies, manager Ben Chapman taunts Robinson, causing him to go back to the dugout and smash his bat to privately vent his anger at such abuse. With some encouragement from Rickey, Robinson then returns to the field and hits a single, steals second and third base, and scores the winning run while his teammates defend him. Furthermore, Chapman is pressured by his team to placate the ensuing media hostility for his behavior, posing with Robinson for newspapers and magazine photos. Later, Robinson's teammate, Pee Wee Reese, comes to particularly understand the pressure Robinson is facing, and makes a public show of solidarity.
Robinson's home run against a Pittsburgh Pirates pitcher who had earlier hit him in the head helps clinch the National League pennant for the Dodgers, sending them to the World Series. In the concluding notes, Rickey, Robinson and many of his supportive comrades went on to have distinguished careers in the sport including inductions into the Baseball Hall of Fame, as other African Americans joined the Major Leagues themselves.

Chadwick Boseman as Jackie Robinson
Harrison Ford as Branch Rickey
Andre Holland as Wendell Smith
Christopher Meloni as Leo Durocher
John C. McGinley as Red Barber
Lucas Black as Pee Wee Reese
Alan Tudyk as Ben Chapman
Nicole Beharie as Rachel Isum Robinson
C. J. Nitkowski as Dutch Leonard[5]
Brett Cullen as Clay Hopper
Ryan Merriman as Dixie Walker
T. R. Knight as Harold Parrott
Hamish Linklater as Ralph Branca
Max Gail as Burt Shotton

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April 29, 2013 4:40:13am
    Post: #2 
I've seen commercials for the movie. It looks interesting.

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April 29, 2013 12:23:04pm
    Post: #3 
Its preety good

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Special thanks to MaD Roby

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Special thanks to Leafburn12
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