
Pokemon Creed Forums < Mudkip's Movies < Mudkip the Movie
Mudkip the Movie
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Mudkip the Movie
April 29, 2013 10:13:36pm
    Post: #1 
Mudkip the Movie
This is awonderful movie about the history of Mudkips. Mudkips originated along with the first magikarp, which was about 100 Billion years ago. Seems legit. So here they talked about the majikal powers of Mudkip (yus majikal).

Then it showed the life of a Mudkip names Majikip. He has been bullied since he was a Marshtomp. He was bullied because he supported Brock Obama. He said the other Mudkips thought it was all about Ash Romney.

So vote Brock Obama, so Majikip won't have to feel like one in a billion...

Brock Obama 2016

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April 29, 2013 10:42:11pm
    Post: #2 
If there only was a movie about Mudkips, but who could bully a Mudkip?

Thanks Jeffrey0
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