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The Truth About Ash Ketchum
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The Truth About Ash Ketchum
April 29, 2013 10:16:50pm
    Post: #1 
The Truth About Ash Ketchum
Ash Ketchum is a 10-year old boy on a Pokémon journey.
Ash ----l> He has been 10 for the past 13 years and is a convicted criminal in disguise. He likes ketchup. Now you know the truth.

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April 29, 2013 10:19:54pm
    Post: #2 
And all this time I thought he was a kid in a coma and the Pokemon universe was all a dream of his.
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April 29, 2013 10:23:36pm
    Post: #3 
Yes I always wondered when he would grow up. Also anyone else find it odd he is a 10 year old boy wondering the world by himself? don't know about the rest of you but being 10 years old walking around the world by yourself I thought would be quite difficult but Ash makes it look so fun
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April 30, 2013 11:57:11pm
    Post: #4 
April 29, 2013 6:23:36pmRojuroStorage Wrote:  Yes I always wondered when he would grow up. Also anyone else find it odd he is a 10 year old boy wondering the world by himself? don't know about the rest of you but being 10 years old walking around the world by yourself I thought would be quite difficult but Ash makes it look so fun

Well, they said it would be weird if a 23 year old roameds the world with a group of youngns. But he could have a child and that be the new protagonist.
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April 30, 2013 11:59:50pm
    Post: #5 
They kept him 10 years old, so the anime won't end, and I seriously thought this thread was going to be about the coma theory, childhood embrace!

Thanks Jeffrey0
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May 01, 2013 6:12:53pm
    Post: #6 
wow i really cant imagine ash all grown up , So as MAy, Dawn , Misty , Brock and any other girl/boy , And btw dont pokemon age -.- ? Eg. Pikachu < o.o
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May 01, 2013 6:15:25pm
    Post: #7 
It's almost like no one ages in the Pokemon realm. Prof. Oak should probably be dead about now.
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May 01, 2013 6:16:56pm
    Post: #8 
Lol , your totally right Chinkofmilk , I mean how old is he now -.- . Its really hard to understand like that . It seems like nothing has happened in the past seasons cuz he doesnt age
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May 01, 2013 9:18:49pm
    Post: #9 
It's a cartoon, get over it ;P we should be more worried about how he never changes his outfit
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May 01, 2013 9:34:18pm
    Post: #10 
The ACTUAL story:
Ash is some re-re who got himself in a coma by being electrecuted by Pikachu too much. In his coma, he's dreaming of some pretty odd things. The only pokémon that actually exists was pikachu. Which was actually a robot who's wires were cut. The End.

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May 01, 2013 9:44:21pm
    Post: #11 
i wonder when they think about giving him his actual age. It sucks the fact that he keeps getting away with being 10 after so many years
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May 01, 2013 9:53:12pm
    Post: #12 
I also like for him to grow up a bit, I mean... atleast create an episode where ash celebrates his birthday, that would be nice.
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May 01, 2013 10:06:03pm
    Post: #13 
Omg... He's 23 years old?
Pokemon in reality shouldn't keep going since its been here for so long and there's a X and Y.
I like the good old kind
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May 02, 2013 5:12:34am
    Post: #14 
I also think it would be cool if he aged just a bit. Maybe they avoid it because they feel that would lead to them having to explore "adult" topics, like...*gasp*
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May 02, 2013 7:16:36am
    Post: #15 
If you read the manga version of pokemon
Red is Ash (obviously )
and in the manga Red grew up
that was actually the same idea on the anime... although there was one problem
A lot of people in that time didn't want Ash to grow up, because the show was intended for little kids... that's why they kept Ash at 10, to prevent ratings going low...

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