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PS4 Or Xbox720? :o
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PS4 Or Xbox720? :o
May 13, 2013 3:25:04pm
    Post: #16 
I have a xbox360 so i will probably buy the xbox720 :D
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May 13, 2013 4:40:51pm
    Post: #17 
im gonna go with Xbox 720 , but the only prob is the golden membership , or got a better idea why not both :) !!!!!

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May 13, 2013 4:49:17pm
    Post: #18 
Well i could get 2 tv's and buy PS4 and xbox 720,but it's gonna cost alot though...
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May 13, 2013 6:12:52pm
    Post: #19 
Im an X-box person and though there isn't any info out yet, I'm gonna stay true to the "X-box 720"

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^thanks MaD Roby^
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^thanks Hot Dog^
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May 22, 2013 4:45:37pm
    Post: #20 
i would prefer PS4 since i like most of the games that work only on ps that are god of war , infamous , uncharted and many more

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May 22, 2013 9:45:21pm
    Post: #21 
Sorry but whoever likes xbox sucks, ps3 and ps4 all da way

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May 22, 2013 9:45:43pm
    Post: #22 
I'll go with ps4, since, I've never played xbox before... and, because I like the style of the playstation better than the Xbox.
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May 23, 2013 4:10:39pm
    Post: #23 
For me xbox is turning into a fancy way to go on the internet and watch tv..
The specs on ps4 are generally better and it has better triple A titles to come out.
Never was a fan of xbox for one reason you have to pay monthly to get online access..
Now they do it even promote the tv option you can have with it but they don't say that you need a cable connection already payed for..
And the voice commands are cool but question will this console be able to handle multiple languages and what if you play with friends ..,
They could just say Turn off or things like go to main menu.
There are a ton off faults in the console if you ask me.
Biggest one of all turtle beaches and other popular headsets won't work on the xbox one.
PS4 keeps it more to what the fans want games..

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May 24, 2013 2:46:11am
    Post: #24 
Was a fan of xbox since it first came out. But as Luffy said the major downfall has been membership payments. But hey without those the breakdown that ps3 had a while back could of happened. I feel as if it is leaning towards entertaining adults more and more than the old 14-22 year old target audience. The ps3 has show that it can keep up and I think it has finally caught up. Going to have to go with the new playstation model. And I believe the name was released as xbox one.

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May 28, 2013 5:47:18pm (This post was last modified: May 28, 2013 5:47:38pm by zarmax.)
    Post: #25 
PS4 Or Xbox720? :o
Well I like Xbox360 better than PS3 so I would ofc like Xbox720 more than PS4. This is mainly because of price. I am just gonna have to see how Microsoft and Sony release there gaming systems and for how much.

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May 28, 2013 6:29:20pm
    Post: #26 
:l I don't know, I've always liked Nintendo stuff...

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May 28, 2013 6:47:21pm
    Post: #27 
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May 28, 2013 10:26:47pm
    Post: #28 
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May 28, 2013 10:27:09pm
    Post: #29 
I am honestly an xbox fan but from seeing what xbox has been showing us ps4 will smash Microsoft
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May 29, 2013 5:23:35am
    Post: #30 
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