
Pokemon Creed Forums < Dratini's Deep Discussion < Do you beleive in love?
Do you beleive in love?
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Do you beleive in love?
June 12, 2013 12:44:59am
    Post: #16 
Love is obviously real, you nub, have you ever had a girlfriend before? If you think love is not real/don't believe in love then you're wrong. How do you think you were born, because your parents loved each other!
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June 12, 2013 1:43:22am
    Post: #17 
i will say this, i believe in love, there is nothing like it. but, what in the world was this thread supposed to be about?
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June 12, 2013 3:48:51am
    Post: #18 
I believe in love too. Its like being with someone who gives u this feeling of care and satisfaction.
But what in the blue heck happend to u? o.O

Someones storage o.o

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June 12, 2013 12:11:50pm
    Post: #19 
I am rather confused. at first you were talking about love but then stalking santa or something??? can someone else explain to me what is going on? I am rather confused.

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June 12, 2013 4:04:11pm
    Post: #20 
But in real terms, Love is God, And God is love, so If you cannot love you do not have God in your heart, so, yeah.
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June 12, 2013 4:23:45pm
    Post: #21 
I believe in love than why are people marrying and having girlfriends and that stuff?
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June 12, 2013 4:52:42pm
    Post: #22 
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June 12, 2013 9:31:51pm
    Post: #23 
Absolutely. :)
Even though I hear from other people who get their hearts broken and sometimes I do worry about it. I wonder if I'm just idealistic thinking that'll never happen to me...
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June 13, 2013 4:15:34pm
    Post: #24 
Yes, i agree!
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