
Pokemon Creed Forums < Mudkip's Movies < Which pokemon needs a movie?
Which pokemon needs a movie?
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Which pokemon needs a movie?
May 05, 2013 2:38:26am
    Post: #1 
Which pokemon needs a movie?
I think ditto and Eevee. :3 that be AWSOME

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May 05, 2013 7:15:01am
    Post: #2 
Charizard and Blastoise. Opposites but they would make a pretty epic team.

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May 05, 2013 7:26:04am
    Post: #3 
I think Raikou really needed a movie. How come a BA like that never gets to be under the spotlight? -_-
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May 05, 2013 12:59:55pm
    Post: #4 
Yeah that is true. I will like to see a movie with EVERY SINGLE POKEMON
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May 06, 2013 6:04:56am
    Post: #5 
Heatran definitely needs a movie of its own. It's an awesome Poke, why shouldn't it?
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May 07, 2013 11:42:32pm
    Post: #6 
Jigglypuff, the one who always followed Ash and the gang from Kanto to Johto. Does anyone know what has happened to jigglypuff? I can't remember a episode where it was explained what happened to that particular jigglypuff, and in this movie everything will be explained. From the beginning of meeting ash and what happened to it after Johto. If there is a episode were it is explained plz pm me.

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May 08, 2013 4:25:03am
    Post: #7 
Heatran. That Pokemon might be ugly, and it is one BA Pokemon. They just need to give him a role. :|
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May 10, 2013 1:59:16pm
    Post: #8 
Hm, Heatran having his own movie would be pretty awesome actually.
Or Psyduck :3
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May 10, 2013 2:35:06pm
    Post: #9 
Heatran is in a movie with arceus though...
Maybe Darkrai and Deoxys would be an awesome duo :D
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May 11, 2013 3:49:23am
    Post: #10 
Darkrai and Deoxys already had their movies. I never saw Heatran. I don't remember Ho-Oh having her own movie. Other than that, most of the legends and even a few common and rare Pokemon had their own movies.

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May 11, 2013 9:39:20pm
    Post: #11 
I think there should be a movie where every legendary Pokemon comes together. That would be cool!

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May 12, 2013 2:23:06am
    Post: #12 
I would love all the eevee evolutions to be a movie :) Like 8 owners lost each of the eevee evolution. And the pokemon will need to find them. And all of them overcoming challenges. While in the process of finding their owners, They each show they're own characteristics. Like umbreon would be shady, espeon would be like caring, jolteon would be a little aggressive, flareon the loyal type person, or vaporeon the curious one. :D

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May 12, 2013 2:39:42am
    Post: #13 
Magikarp. :D

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May 13, 2013 4:18:22am
    Post: #14 
Yeah I would love to see a movie about Eevee and all of the Eeveelutions.

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May 13, 2013 11:05:32am
    Post: #15 
Yeah, I agree with the others. Would be great to see an Eevee movie, where it could feature all its evolutions in a movie. :D
Wouldn't be bad to see a movie of derpy Pokemon like Ditto and Magikarp too though! :P
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