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Brain storming movies.
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Brain storming movies.
May 13, 2013 1:50:15pm
    Post: #1 
Brain storming movies.
I recently watched a movie called The machinist, with Christian Bale. It was a great film for the older generation but the movie kept me so entertained through the whole thing I was on the edge of my seat.

I looked around for more movies like this but there aren't really any that appeal, if you have something that sounds like this movie please tell me or recommend a movie since I have been getting bored recently.

You could want to recommend anime but I bet anything you have seen so I have I. If you would like to tell me about an anime go ahead :)


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May 13, 2013 2:08:56pm
    Post: #2 
This is a kind of movie that particularly pleases me a psychological drama. The story mixes imagination and reality and happens largely in the mind of the character, Trevor Reznik (Christian Bale) this movie is good
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