
Pokemon Creed Forums < Sunkern's Studying Session < Is the universe infinite
Is the universe infinite
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Is the universe infinite
May 28, 2013 5:40:01pm
    Post: #16 
It looks like most people are saying that the universe is not infinite or they do not know. Much of my belief goes off the idea that the universe is infinite, so I think it is. Also this should be posted in Dratini's Deep Discussion I think.

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May 28, 2013 11:37:09pm
    Post: #17 
Yes, I do think the universe is infinite. No proof can back either side though, so it is and probably will always remain one of life's greatest mysteries...
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May 28, 2013 11:48:23pm
    Post: #18 
No one knows for sure, but if your looking for an opinion I'd definitely say no.

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May 29, 2013 5:39:12am
    Post: #19 
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May 29, 2013 6:03:21am
    Post: #20 
No I don't think the universe is infinite cause I think that there may be a another universe next to ours and scientist beleive that u can travel out of our universe if u have a lot of fuel and a very fast ship
Or the ships engine is solar powered u can travel out of the universe and into the next one
But that's just what scientist says but they never proved it untill now
They are (I am not sure about this) currently launching a solar powered rocket into orbit then traveling to the next universe without anyone knowing only a select few know this but I think the whole world should know this by know but I am not sure if this is true or false
(i say this is false)
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June 09, 2013 8:01:40am
    Post: #21 
yes i think it is :D
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June 19, 2013 3:26:31am
    Post: #22 
I don't think it's infinite. I believe that there HAS to be an end to everything
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June 19, 2013 11:23:02pm
    Post: #23 
I doubt it is, but since no end has been found; I will say yeah.

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August 14, 2013 12:43:58am
    Post: #24 
Maybe it is infinite

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August 25, 2013 6:25:25pm
    Post: #25 
No, it's not infinite, for all we know, the universe is still expanding, if it still expands, it wouldn't be infinite.

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August 25, 2013 7:15:58pm
    Post: #26 
yes its infinite
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September 08, 2013 4:09:19pm
    Post: #27 
i think universe has no end it's expanding !!!

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September 08, 2013 5:39:53pm
    Post: #28 
Yes it is infinite, the universe is constantly expanding on an infinite canvas, and it will keep on expanding forever, therefore making it infinite.

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