
Pokemon Creed Forums < Mudkip's Movies < What kinds of movies do you watch ?
What kinds of movies do you watch ?
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What kinds of movies do you watch ?
May 28, 2013 2:28:03am
    Post: #1 
What kinds of movies do you watch ?
I love the comedies especially those old movies from the 80s and the 90s their the classics that not many poeple are familiar with :)

It be great if you guys tell me what type of movies you guys are into and movies that have made you repeatedly watch them :P

Some good comedy movies i know of

Scott Pilgrim vs the world
Shuan of the dead
Hangover 1,2,3
Police Academy (theres like 5 i think movies that is)
Ace Ventura (Pet detective) - mostly id recommend all of Jim Careys movies love his work :)

If you guys know of any other good comedy movies do let me know

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May 28, 2013 3:17:15am
    Post: #2 
i prefer ace ventura, its funny and creative with jim carrey as the actor, i recomend that

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May 28, 2013 3:21:58am
    Post: #3 
I have actually watched both Ace Ventura films

Ace Ventura: Pet Detective
Ace Ventura: When Nature Calls

Both of them were similarly very funny indeed lol but ive watched them a couple of years back so maybe ill watch them again probably today least i think ill watch em if i get the time that is lol..probably watch the second one since i didnt watch it properly :p
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May 28, 2013 5:19:19am
    Post: #4 
I don't know a lot of comedy movies since I prefer Horror, but... try watching Rush Hour...
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May 28, 2013 5:29:35am
    Post: #5 
I usually like comedies the best but I have been trying to watch/like action ones for something different but I am finding that I don't like all the violence they have.

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May 28, 2013 8:52:35am
    Post: #6 
i usealy never look at comedys and dramas. its not my kind of movie.
i am syfy and action freak.
transformers, avengers.
we were soldiers, braveheart, bad boys,
those kind of movies.

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May 28, 2013 12:51:35pm
    Post: #7 
I like comedy movies like ace venture and Ted. Also horror movies like grudge and evil dead

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May 28, 2013 12:58:24pm
    Post: #8 
I'm more inclined to movies that have a mysterious feel to it... Horror movies that are set to be like a documentary or amateur film are what I mostly watch... like the Paranormal movies, since they make it more believable...
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May 28, 2013 1:44:15pm
    Post: #9 
I watch a lot of movies and i prefer action or comedy movies but i dont really care that much about it i don't have a favourite movie but it would probably be the lord of the rings trilogy

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May 28, 2013 2:00:58pm
    Post: #10 
I watch comedy movies or a lot of "stoner" movies haha

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^thanks MaD Roby^
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^thanks Hot Dog^
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May 28, 2013 3:15:42pm
    Post: #11 
scott pilgrim was prett good but i didnt like all the gay themes
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May 28, 2013 5:25:59pm
    Post: #12 
I like action a bit more than comedy but comedy is cool too. Will Ferrell has good comedies like Blades of Glory, The Other Guys, and Step Brothers.

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May 28, 2013 6:15:35pm
    Post: #13 
comedy comedy.
its funny that everyone says comedy :D
so it seems that action movies etc are out of date these days. funny :D

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June 03, 2013 10:55:23am
    Post: #14 
i would watch horror,war based,thriller,crime and of course comedy!!!!!U guys should watch The possesion..
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June 03, 2013 1:27:41pm
    Post: #15 
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