Post: #17
Member Disciples of Darkrai
Trainer #306536
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As a person who used to cut and is very close to many people who do, I have a very interesting perspective on this sort of thing. First off, the people who say that people never cut just for attention are wrong. There really are some people who do it simply for attention. Now, having said that, most people that cut are NOT doing it for attention. I know that for me, it was that when I would get really upset, I got tired of bothering my friends with my problems, so for awhile I just kinda stopped talking in general. After awhile, I felt kinda numb to everything. It was a way to remind myself that I can still feel, that I can eventually feel things normally again.
Post: #20
Trainer #90162
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I used to cut- I started at age 13, after my Grandpa died. The things that happened afterwards were just a major, major shock to my system... and I quickly found out that I did NOT do well with sudden change. At all. So I began cutting. At first it was to show my pain. Then it it developed into "punishing myself" because I felt like a bad person, but then it went back to showing my pain- to let people know I was not okay and needed help, but just didn't know how to ask for it. And then the cutting diminished, but when I did, it was to show my pain or just to hurt family. I finally stopped cutting myself because I had developed useful, non-harmful coping skills and I decided that cutting was "too troublesome". I never really bled, and that what I wanted to see... but after the years I just stopped. Plus being hauled to hospital to be "assessed" every time I cut myself was annoying, boring and stressful.
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