
Pokemon Creed Forums < Dratini's Deep Discussion < suicide
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May 29, 2013 1:04:50am
    Post: #31 
Suicide is mostly cause from psychological and emotional stress that overwhelms a person to want to not live. I think that the very idea is terrible, but as long as we have bullies in this world, these things can keep happening, because they are the cause of this
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May 29, 2013 1:09:08am
    Post: #32 
I think it's both depends on the person how its treated but the bet way is to not thing about the bad side thing about the good things

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June 25, 2013 12:45:00pm
    Post: #33 
I think suicide is a bad thing and that only people who are in a lot of pain and can even think about trying it, I have never thought about trying it and don't plan on trying it ever but I think it is psychological pain that causes it not physical, physical pain just imprints the idea of it, but I think the main cause is people giving up and just not wanting to love anymore and I feel sorry for people who feel that way
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June 25, 2013 12:52:08pm
    Post: #34 
wow okay this went from suicide to religion just saying. i always thought and still think the main cause is psychological because you think about the things you don't have instead of the things you do have because of this i think you decide to attempt suicide

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