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Is it possible?
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Is it possible?
May 29, 2013 2:57:03pm
    Post: #1 
Is it possible?
Could it be possible to believe in all things in science and believe all things in Christian religion? Is it possible that you can do anything with a bit of belief? If you have questions like these, this is where you let them out.

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May 29, 2013 3:19:21pm
    Post: #2 
Well I am sure that many religios stuff can be explained by science and that many belifs are wrong cause there's inlay one religion that is true and correct and what they worship is true and the others are either lies or just mistakes but I am not trying to be racist or anything but I am sure that this is correct but who knows when we will find out which is correct and I a, also sure that you can do many things with a bit of belief
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May 29, 2013 4:52:39pm
    Post: #3 
i dont think you can believe in all things in science and be a christian, because things like evolution contradicts christian beliefs
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May 29, 2013 8:10:20pm
    Post: #4 
yeah firebomb is right. Evolution is against Christian belief. Because Christians believe that god made us all, not some stupid freaking monkeys evolving into people over millions of years! And the god particle is also a famous scientific theory that god doesn't exist. Of course, I believe in god and I know what is true and what is false.

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May 29, 2013 8:11:41pm
    Post: #5 
Is it possible to be and atheist but beleive in god but no some of the other stuff christians beleive in?

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May 29, 2013 10:09:00pm
    Post: #6 
Well... It is down to what you believe at the end of the day.
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May 29, 2013 10:18:00pm
    Post: #7 
I honestly think it's possible to believe in anything, as long as you truly believe in it. Because it's all what you want, there's nobody else trying to make you believe in something. I, myself believe religions themselves only set a base for beliefs, and you believe what you want.

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May 29, 2013 10:21:28pm
    Post: #8 
^^True, you can only believe what you want. A guy was telling us the other day at our school what he believes in and he goes off what he wants. He explained to us about how others have different views on there culture.
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May 29, 2013 10:29:56pm
    Post: #9 
Many people see only one path and only one answer for this question. However I believe everything is tied in through Christianity and science. I believe that people dissect and interpret the Bible so much that they miss the whole meaning of life. I mean a lot of places stopped saying the Pledge of Alligence because of this and the Christian religion has decreased so much due to this and out selfish desires.
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May 29, 2013 10:44:19pm
    Post: #10 
May 29, 2013 6:29:56pmOutcast Wrote:  Many people see only one path and only one answer for this question. However I believe everything is tied in through Christianity and science. I believe that people dissect and interpret the Bible so much that they miss the whole meaning of life. I mean a lot of places stopped saying the Pledge of Alligence because of this and the Christian religion has decreased so much due to this and out selfish desires.

I have nothing at all to do with Christianity but what you say is true. They miss the meaning of life and live it how God wants them to. Not how they want to. Some believe different to what has just been said but my views are clear:)
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May 29, 2013 10:48:16pm
    Post: #11 
Well I don't think religion and Science are completely compatible because of things like scientists believing you need evidence where as Christians believe in the bible and other religions have their things that make them not completely compatible
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May 29, 2013 10:54:22pm
    Post: #12 
May 29, 2013 6:29:56pmOutcast Wrote:  Many people see only one path and only one answer for this question. However I believe everything is tied in through Christianity and science. I believe that people dissect and interpret the Bible so much that they miss the whole meaning of life. I mean a lot of places stopped saying the Pledge of Alligence because of this and the Christian religion has decreased so much due to this and out selfish desires.

Yes, I'm no Christian, but I completely agree with this. People take religion and science too far, and think to much to the point where they can't enjoy life.

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May 29, 2013 11:05:17pm
    Post: #13 
I think it depends on the person... since you choose on what you want to believe in...
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May 29, 2013 11:14:13pm
    Post: #14 
Thinking on it. We should get a christian on here and then post their point of view. Then this would be over once and for all:P
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May 30, 2013 2:06:45am
    Post: #15 
No, you cant. Simply because one cannot be in the light and in the dark at the same time. Things that are believed through the Bible as Christians are things that shouldn't be possible but by faith they were. Faith is believing in what is not. Science is just proof and theories about what people think happened, and wont accept supernatural awareness in any of these investigations.
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