
Pokemon Creed Forums < Dratini's Deep Discussion < Mermaids are REAL!(Must See!Not a joke!)
Mermaids are REAL!(Must See!Not a joke!)
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Mermaids are REAL!(Must See!Not a joke!)
June 02, 2013 8:38:44am
    Post: #16 
Not even close to real and Animal Planet has been doing fakes like this in shows for a while now.

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June 02, 2013 9:06:11pm
    Post: #17 
June 02, 2013 2:54:39amlilpikachu313 Wrote:  kyogy,the possible reason we haven't found it is what I explained already...If it's a hoax,there's still gotta be something down there,right?

I agree. If it really is a hoax, that doesn't mean there is something else out there...

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June 04, 2013 9:10:47pm
    Post: #18 
Watched this on television. One long word; evolution. And God made them. No, they aren't pretty.

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June 08, 2013 12:07:21pm
    Post: #19 
If the Discovery channel can make false documentaries, and it has made a false documentaries on mermaids Bigfoot and dragons, Then it is feasible that other channels can do so too. These people could have created this video in hopes of stopping the drilling so other marine life would not be harmed. It would be amazing if this was real but they have already admitted that this was a hoax.

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June 08, 2013 12:15:50pm
    Post: #20 
I say it's real and as for someone finding one I wouldn't be surprised if the government hasn't covered it up somehow
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June 09, 2013 9:42:20am
    Post: #21 
wow that really looks real, it would be really amazing if mermaids are real but i dont know :)
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June 09, 2013 9:50:56am
    Post: #22 
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June 09, 2013 11:03:32am
    Post: #23 
Wow! i never though that they really exist but maybe the video has been edited? or maybe it real and i think they r alien as what snorunt said...

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June 09, 2013 11:24:39am
    Post: #24 
If the Mermaids are real then I wonder if they are friendly as in the cartoons or predators as in the Pirates of the Carribean or as in the Narnia film.



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June 09, 2013 1:06:36pm
    Post: #25 
im not quite convinced, but if its real thats pretty cool
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June 11, 2013 5:15:58am
    Post: #26 
i dont believe mermaid is real, its just fairytail, if mermaid are real, absolutly we can learn from it

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June 14, 2013 12:31:15am
    Post: #27 
Well, ill say this. if its real, then its amazing footage. But i dont think it is personally, because the government would never allow such classified information leak out into the public.
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June 14, 2013 3:18:18am
    Post: #28 
All I know is that if mermaids are real I do think that would be kinda scary and kinda exciting at the same time. Scary cause I don't know how I would feel seeing a half human and half fish combination but on the other hand it would be super exciting because I mean it would be super cool to see even though it would take a lot of time to get used to half human half fishes but hey if they are real welcome unless they are dangerous
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June 14, 2013 10:05:27am
    Post: #29 
i think it is fake. I just don't think something like that can actually exist. it is not really possible in my mind. It is probably some kind of hoax just to get money from views.

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June 15, 2013 3:09:26pm
    Post: #30 
That was a pretty interesting video. For the people who say it is a hoax, I have one question for you: If the people who were filming it had to use a submarine, the water is probably very deep. Could a human be able to go that deep to pull a hoax?

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