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LF Fast Raps
Post: #1
LF Fast Raps
Hi Guys I'm looking for good fast raps. Know any and btw I don't like raps with bad/swear words. I like raps of love or adventure/experience. :)
Post: #2
Well the fastest rapper I can think of is busta rhymes, although I haven't listened to that in a while, I think he was good :P but sometimes too fast to understand on the first listen >.<
Post: #3
Logic, Meek Mill, are pretty fast rappers. Though you'll find a few swears in Logic raps, Meek mill has a lot of swears :/ Hopsin is decent.
Post: #4
The only people I can think of are people who use swears :3 Sorry I couldn't help
Name: majinhoff
Highest LV: 20277 Clan: APEX Age: 2.2 years old TL: 18593 [you must login to view images] [you must login to view images] [you must login to view images] ^thanks MaD Roby^ [you must login to view images] ^thanks Hot Dog^ |
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