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Flying, Few NPCs, Trading Blocks
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Flying, Few NPCs, Trading Blocks
September 21, 2011 9:07:11pm
    Post: #1 
Flying, Few NPCs, Trading Blocks

First of all, sorry that there wasn't many updates in the past two weeks as I just got back in school and didn't have much time. This doesn't mean I haven't been coding anything for this game, I've done some updates and am working on better updates which will be done soon - bigger than these if you think these are quite small.

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Flying, yes it's a very good move if you use it wisely, you can now fly like the wind by defeating Zapmolcuno, good look with that. :)

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Few more NPCs have been added, nothing much until a hundred more that will be added later!

Finally, you can now set it so that only friends that you have added and is accepted can send trade requests to you. This may help reduce useless trade spam.

Thanks, lots of LOVE,
Da Man

Looking for artists to help create sprites/UI/tiles/backgrounds/characters for Pokemon Creed. If interested, PM me with portfolio.[/b]

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