
Pokemon Creed Forums < Dratini's Deep Discussion < raging tides
raging tides
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raging tides
June 30, 2013 2:21:42pm
    Post: #1 
raging tides
I am looking for a safe haven
I search for the shore
I long for your love
As the waves crush me against the rocks

Now i lay here on the shore
A broken man
I gaze into the sky
Pray to the gods for my hearts wish

Wild wind sweeps
This sight of peace is being threatened by the tides
My wish has been spoken the gods must have heard it
Cause high tide comes and drags me from shore

My broken body was carried through the seas
I gasp for air as i think of your kiss
The pain is almost unbearable
But i wash up on another shore

I hear crying in the distance
It seems familiar
My heart was broken
But the cries came closer
You were weeping at the seas

Because you lost me
But here i am
A broken man
Lost from home
I returned from the north
my wish was answered
The stars lit up as you held me dear
I cry for you
I love you even after the journey of a thousand miles
I feel a moment of bliss
I don't want to wake up

Water splashes my face
And you are gone
The crying i still hear
Was it all a dream
Or are you really there?

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