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Pokemon:: A New Land Of New Life
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Pokemon:: A New Land Of New Life
July 01, 2013 4:01:04am (This post was last modified: July 01, 2013 9:48:19pm by lilpikachu313.)
    Post: #1 
Pokemon:: A New Land Of New Life
You have been walking all day,and same thing with the last 2 weeks.Ever since your parents(Not to mention the other explorers)Had found a temple with a portal hidden in it,you've been traveling to this so called,'New Land', with a,'New Way Of Life',within the portal.You are going to be living there for the rest of your lives,but what makes matters worse is that you will be torn apart from your family since you are old enough to leave.Good thing they gave you the top 3 things you should do list,because you have just arrived.Your best friend,a pokemon,sighs from being able to rest.


Age: (Must be 13 or older)
Bio: (Optional)
Appearance: (Optional)
Starter: (Any Pokemon Except Main Game Legendaries and Fully Evolved Pokemon)

My Form,For Example:

Name: Alexas Nobel
Age: 13
Bio: She was born in the Viridian Forest as the 3rd Generation Guardian,along with Crystal.She was declared an orphan,but one day two people came to adopt her.Unfortunately,she allowed it,and now she's going to be on her own.Again.
Appearance: [you must login to view images]
Starter: Pikachu(Crystal) Female Level 1O
Other: Here is Crystal's picture:
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1. The Basics.
2. NO Bad Grammar.
3. NO Killing/Lovey Dovey Nonsense.
~If you wouldn't put it in a book,please don't put it here.~


1. You can do whatever you want,just as long as it stays as a forest thing,no city people in a weird portal dememsion.

2. I recommend that you complete the top 3 things to do first,maybe asking help from other roleplayers.

3. The NPCs will appear whenever,as long as they're not major NPCs such as bosses or Ash Ketchum,etc. However,NPC friends are allowed.

4. Only one pokemon can appear for you per page.You can only have 3 pokemon,and there are no pokeballs in this portal.

5. No legendaries can appear in the wild!All pokemon you can find in the wild are every pokemon that appear in forests in the real games.

Top 3 Best Things To Do:

1. Build a home out of wood and stone.Your pokemon and some other children can help you.Don't worry,we've provided you with an axe for chopping down trees,and a pick-axe for mining.

2. Create your own mine!Make sure it's not in or nearby your home,creepy wild pokemon live there,and they are sure to rob you,not to mention be savage brutes.

3. Collect items such as charcoal and fish for food.Make sure you also gather water with the bucket we gave you.You'll need it to drink.

~~Hope this helps you and you stay safe!
Mum & Da~~

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Climbing the mountain, never coming down
Break into the contents, never falling down

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Thanks to Campt, Anarchy, Amy Rose and more not listed. I can't remember everyone's names, but know that I cherish what you've done for me!

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July 01, 2013 4:24:58pm
    Post: #2 
Name: Yugi Moto
Age: 16
Gender: M
Bio: Very short and active, but likes to play card games. Well, can't now, no cards in the forest.
Appearance: [you must login to view images]
Starter: Sandshrew :3
Other: N/A

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July 01, 2013 7:39:00pm
    Post: #3 
((Accepted! :D Start whenever you'd like.))

"Bye,Mum,Da...I'll visit sometime,okay?Come on Crystal...",said Alexas now walking far,far away from her parents.She then check her list."Hmm...Okay Crystal.Lets start collecting wood.You use Iron Tail on that tree,while I chop down this tree!" "Pika!" So Alexas got to chopping...But after a little while she got hungry and thirsty.So,Crystal and her took a break as they went fishingin a nearby river,also drinking some of the river water.

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Climbing the mountain, never coming down
Break into the contents, never falling down

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Thanks to Campt, Anarchy, Amy Rose and more not listed. I can't remember everyone's names, but know that I cherish what you've done for me!

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July 01, 2013 7:58:13pm
    Post: #4 
"Bye Gramps! I'll visit soon, I promise." Yugi said, being sent away. Now in the woods, he said, "Sandshrew, metal claw that tree! Then slice it into equal boards." Sandshrew nodded as he did so. From a distance, Sandshrew saw Alexas and Crystal, trying to get Yugi to see. "Sand, sand, shreeew!" He cried. "What? A girl and a pikachu? Better not interfere, they could be harmful. " he said. Sandshrew got mad and stabbed Yugi's leg. "Gaaaaaaaah!" he yelled. "What was that for?!" Sandshrew just laughed. "Come on, let's get back to work." Yugi said, both of them continuing their jobs. After the cabin was built and Yugi lay his jacket on the floor and waited for night. "Let's go get some water in our bucket." Yugi said, walking to the river, getting water, and going to his cabin. He sat on the ground, Sandshrew on his lap asleep. He took Sandshrew inside and put him in his jacket. "Goodnight." Yugi said. He looked at the wound on his leg.

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July 01, 2013 8:58:41pm
    Post: #5 
"Okay,so just bind these two together and...Tadah!Our new home!It'll be adjust once we get some iron.It's getting to night time...Here's your little area here.When you want to come out just unlock this little gate here.Good night,Crystal." "Kaaa!",yawned Crystal.The next day,Alexas grabbed Crystal,got her pickaxe,and went outside.They ran to the nearby mountain,and Alexas made an entry to go in."Well,lets stay here for now.I'll go get some more supplies.",said Alexas,going to the nearby pond and trying to catch some small fish.

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Climbing the mountain, never coming down
Break into the contents, never falling down

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Thanks to Campt, Anarchy, Amy Rose and more not listed. I can't remember everyone's names, but know that I cherish what you've done for me!

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July 01, 2013 9:14:54pm
    Post: #6 
Yugi stood up all night, unable to sleep. It was chilly that night, but he let Sandshrew sleep. He paced back and fourth. Dawn nearly took forever to break out. When Yugi woke Sandshrew up, they were going to create their mine. "Shreeew... Sand sand sand? (Yaaawn... Yugi, you look terrible, did you stay up all night?)" Sandshrew asked. "Yaaawn..." he managed to say. Sandshrew used Metal Claw on his leg. "Gaaaah! Ok, ok! I'm up!" Yugi said. All day, they dug in grounds far away from theirs. Yugi nearly passed out, but Sandshrew woke him up. "Thanks. I've really gotta name you." They got hallfway done, when Yugi got hungry. So they picked berries (Not fish, because I hate fish, so I'll use deer. Because animals exist in pokemon) and put them in a basket, and stored them in their house.

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July 01, 2013 9:57:55pm
    Post: #7 
"Okay,I think we've got enough...Now..." Alexas went back to her home.It was sun down now,and she had finished placing the stones around the outside and inside walls of her house,to make it more stable.She decided it was time to go search for some pokemon.She decided to go with the ol' pitfall trap.She dug with Crystal,then made a stable leaf top net,then,last but not least,all the berries she could find in 1O minutes.She watched.And waited.And she kept doing that for about 5O minutes,then finally,she heard a huge thud!She rushed to the pitfall trap,hoping she had caught an easy to befriend pokemon.

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Climbing the mountain, never coming down
Break into the contents, never falling down

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Thanks to Campt, Anarchy, Amy Rose and more not listed. I can't remember everyone's names, but know that I cherish what you've done for me!

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July 01, 2013 11:25:34pm
    Post: #8 
"Sun down, isn't it?" Yugi asked Sandshrew. "Sand! Sandshrew, shrew! (Yugi! Hey look, it's that girl and pikachu again!)" Sandshrew said. "No Sandshrew. Remember, they-" he was cut off by running up to Crystal. "SANDSHREW!" Yugi called, but Sandshrew ignored.

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July 02, 2013 10:29:29am (This post was last modified: July 02, 2013 10:37:01am by lilpikachu313.)
    Post: #9 
Pokemon:: A New Land Of New Life
"Pika-Chuuu?(Who are youu?)" Yugi did not completely know that it was Alexas's pokemon.Crystal's curiousity had gotten the best of her.She tilted her head,then smiled,and said,"Pikaa-Chuuu!(Hello there!)"

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Climbing the mountain, never coming down
Break into the contents, never falling down

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Thanks to Campt, Anarchy, Amy Rose and more not listed. I can't remember everyone's names, but know that I cherish what you've done for me!

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July 02, 2013 11:21:18am
    Post: #10 
Yugi just got hold of Sandshrew, and left, being scratched. "Ya know, you really gotta stop that. It does hurt..." Yugi said, going to their cabin. The walls inside were wooden, but they spotted a wild Vulpix inside. "Sandshrew, rock tomb!" Sandshrew did so, burying Vulpix, who fainted of such a low level. Yugi picked it up and healed it. The Vulpix was grateful and wanted to stick by Yugi. (Is that okay?) He continued to look at the wound on his leg from the metal claw. He pet Vulpix while Sandshrew was in his jacket, asleep. He blushed because he thought watching his two pokemon together. He got up and went to his mine. "C'mon Vulpix, we'll get this done today." he said, starting to dig. After they were done, it was night, so Vulpix lead them. And that night, they slept.

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July 02, 2013 11:44:17am
    Post: #11 
Age: 16
Starter:darkria if i cannot have darkria as a starter il have chimchar

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July 02, 2013 9:01:33pm
    Post: #12 
((It's accepted,but to prevent any god-mod attempts with legendary powers,it's a baby Darkrai.Like a child.))

"Crystal,look!!There's an Eevee!" Crystal quickly hurried back.The Eevee was in the Pitfall Trap.Crystal went down to get him,and handed him up to Alexas."Eeb...Eebwee!",yelped the Eevee,scared."There,there,little Eevee.It's okay.",said Alexas,now hugging the Eevee.The Eevee,who had not been shown much love and affection,was happy.Alexas and Crystal decided to go,but the Eevee decided to follow."Okay,fine.You can stay.I don't really know your name,but I'll just call you Eeb." The Eevee,now Eeb,was very happy to have a name.When they got back,Alexas,Crystal,and Eeb,worked on making one more room for Eeb.It was exactly like Crystal's,except it had a small pool.Crystal did not like water very much,and,well...Lets just say they had a few 'shocking' accidents in the water.

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Climbing the mountain, never coming down
Break into the contents, never falling down

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Thanks to Campt, Anarchy, Amy Rose and more not listed. I can't remember everyone's names, but know that I cherish what you've done for me!

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July 02, 2013 9:28:14pm
    Post: #13 
-The Next Day-
Yugi woke up and so did Sandshrew and Vulpix. They were going to improve the house a bit, so they did more even wood. They made rooms and picked cotton from a field close by, to make beds. They did and were very tired, so each got some water, and continued working. Yugi, who couldn't stop watching his pokemon, felt a drop of water on his neck. Rain? Yes. He planted berries in a fenced area only reachable by going in a room. Vulpix went inside and ate some berries. So did Sandshrew, but Yugi stood outside. He was really glad he had another pair of clothes and swim trunks in his bag, but nothing else. He smiled as he laid back. He knew another person lived close by, but he paid no attention to her.

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July 02, 2013 9:35:35pm
    Post: #14 
Alexas woke up,and heard pitter patters on the roof.It was raining,she noticed.She walked over and woke up Eeb,opening his gate for him.She looked around for Crystal,but she wasn't in their house.Alexas ran outside,Crystal was out in the rain.Alexas had remembered that Crystal had never seen rain before.It barely rained where they lived before.Crystal's face looked a little pale-ish-blue,and she started to sneeze.Alexas felt Crystal's forehead.She had a fever!She brought her in the house.She didn't know what to do for sick pokemon,so she made a fish skin coat (Gross,I know.) and ran into the storm,leaving Eeb to watch Crystal.Finally,she came to another house made of wood.She knocked on the door,waiting for a response.

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Climbing the mountain, never coming down
Break into the contents, never falling down

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Thanks to Campt, Anarchy, Amy Rose and more not listed. I can't remember everyone's names, but know that I cherish what you've done for me!

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July 02, 2013 9:58:32pm
    Post: #15 
Yugi opened his door. "Eh? Oh. What's up?" He asked, he loosened his collar a bit, due to it's tightness. Vulpix walked up to Yugi and rubbed on his leg.

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