
Pokemon Creed Forums < Dratini's Deep Discussion < Transfeminism.
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July 14, 2013 2:48:43am
    Post: #1 
I think that is a good thing for society and it's good to everyone undestand what it is really about. Is not about females or people designed to respond as "girls" to hate on guys and everything else. It is agains't what the thoughts are doing with us whenever someone opens his mouth and we doens't notice anymore. Genders in theses days are so uneeded, but being a *cis person isn't wrong at all, fyi. What do you guys think about it? I made this to discuss with people about these thoughts (I reply in english as well) [you must login to view links].

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October 05, 2013 4:18:55pm
    Post: #2 
I think that some people go way too far in their feminism they act like men are lesser than women and that is total nonsense women and men are supposed to be equal but that means a women needs to be equal at everything to a man so if for example you have to do a cooper test on school it is not fair that girls only have to run 2kilometres and boys nearly threea just because women have lesser muscles

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October 05, 2013 4:23:47pm
    Post: #3 
I think that some people go way too far in their feminism they act like men are lesser than women and that is total nonsense women and men are supposed to be equal but that means a women needs to be equal at everything to a man so if for example you have to do a cooper test on school it is not fair that girls only have to run 2kilometres and boys nearly threea just because women have lesser muscles

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October 05, 2013 4:24:41pm
    Post: #4 
Sorry my computer acted weird so it double loaded when i posted xd

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October 05, 2013 6:50:07pm
    Post: #5 
to be honest, when women look down on men, they really do make it seem like we're dogs sometimes, and its really offensive. And also, women and men all have strength and weaknesses. and also, just like man can differ from the guy nxt to him, so does a woman. so i think they really shoould get off there high horse and treat us with a little more respect.
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