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Beasts Of Flight:: A War Upon Us
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Beasts Of Flight:: A War Upon Us
July 15, 2013 5:21:00am (This post was last modified: July 15, 2013 6:59:57pm by lilpikachu313.)
    Post: #1 
Beasts Of Flight:: A War Upon Us
Rated PG... WARNING: Violence and Gore

We are in an era of war...We were once peaceful ancestors...But now...Now we have gone into the worst war so far...The other side is getting stronger...We need a small elite team of fighters.We have called upon you for help.Please,help us in our time of need...

The other side does not know our weaknesses yet.We can still fight!But our troops are slowly dying, some of them quitting on the war.If we don't get someone out there soon,we're all gonna die.Those racdrops...We need someone like you on our team, so are you in or are you OUT?!!

The Dragons and Phoenixes VS The Gryphons and Hippogryphs

Whose side are you on?

The Dragons and Phoenixes Enrollment Form:

Age: (Must be 13+ to join our army.)
Kingdom: (One of the Army Sections)

The Gryphons and Hippogryphs Army Sign-Up Sheet:

Age: (Must be 18+ to join the military.)
Kingdom: (One of the Army sections.)

Rules of War:

1. No double-crossing!Such actions will be punished SEVERELY.

2. No god-modding,puppeting or powerplay,cheating,changing,or signing up to more than 1 army!UNDERSTAND?!!

3. No mercy!Make sure your enemies can't hurt you.Fire once you see the whites of their eyes, then destroy until your sure they've retreated.

4. Every mission must be taken seriously.If not, it could mean a severe loss for our side.

5. No creature gets left behind.Our intention isn't to kill.It's to scare and claim our lands BACK!

Generals and Recruits in War...

The Gryphons and Hippogryphs

'The Mothership'

Crystal C. Gemini

Paulie I. Squawk
Fish N. Crackers
Chip N. Dip
Dish O. Peine
Sully F. Dume

'Army of Sky'

Yellow O. Veridian

Gash O. Neil
Dash N. Kelly
Polar O. North

'Last Hope'

Fole N. Ursus

Edme P. West
Lenny K. Eddison

The Dragons and Phoenixes

'Our Wrath'

Eragon G. Tailord

Eterna L. Forlife
Jasmine F. Clash
Gem O. Trubbull
Foalord F. Ursus
Lesley E. Mustlive
Burn S. Niacra

'No Mercy'

Hectent G. Octaganole

Det H. Ovmeh
Pole R. Express
Fire N. Burnes
Welsh W. Tidalines

'The Lords Sons'

For E. Verr

Wyatt W. Arwestill
Lowes V. Cannett
Elie Y. Deniel

Current Mission:

The First Ambush

There is a troop of 4 Gryphons/Hippogryphs who are traveling to our side.For now,they are resting.Take them out, and steal their things.

Kingdom: Our Wrath

Warning: Assassins!

The Dragons and Phoenixes Kingdom of 'Our Wrath' is said to try and ambush us.Be on the lookout, don't let them scare you!

Kingdom: Army of Sky

Administrators and Moderators

lilpikachu313 - Admin
NessUnderling - Admin

Mango Dolphin - Super Mod
FlameChan - Mod
blarrf - Mod

My Form:

Name: Crystal C. Gemini
Species: Gryphon
Appearance: Has a yellow base with a red stomach, mask, claws, feet rings, Neck ring, beak, head fur, and tail.
Age: 18
Gender: Female
Bio: Was the one who decided that the Hippogryphs and Gryphons should have an Army, and because of that, made her the General.
Kingdom: CloudIgnia
Rank: General

Click below to take a wish!
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Climbing the mountain, never coming down
Break into the contents, never falling down

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Thanks to Campt, Anarchy, Amy Rose and more not listed. I can't remember everyone's names, but know that I cherish what you've done for me!

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July 15, 2013 1:16:10pm (This post was last modified: July 15, 2013 1:32:28pm by NessUnderling.)
    Post: #2 
Beasts Of Flight:: A War Upon Us
Name: Burn Sacred Niacra
Gender: M
Age: 15
Species: Phoenix
Appearance: [you must login to view images]
Bio: Always was eager to fight, even if his parents declined. Never turns back from a fight, and entered this war. Not much into rules, but beat up bullies when a small bird.
Personality: Very tough and vain. Never gives mercy, even if foe says they're retreating.
Kingdom: "Our Wrath"
Rank: Novice.

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July 15, 2013 7:01:29pm
    Post: #3 
((We need 1 more to start.))

Click below to take a wish!
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Climbing the mountain, never coming down
Break into the contents, never falling down

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Thanks to Campt, Anarchy, Amy Rose and more not listed. I can't remember everyone's names, but know that I cherish what you've done for me!

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