
Pokemon Creed Forums < Pokemon Creed - Bugs/Errors < clan
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July 27, 2013 4:17:11am
    Post: #1 
I was with my friend that is the owner of my clan, it said we could have 20 coins members and he only had 11 so he tried to invite me but it couldnt let him so he had to upgrade to 30 clan members so he could just invite just me to the clan and i was wondering is it a bug or something?

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July 27, 2013 5:03:15am
    Post: #2 
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July 27, 2013 6:10:17pm
    Post: #3 
The amount of members in the clan is counted by how many players have entered the clan.
If you kick a member or they leave the clan, it still counts as a member in the clan.
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