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buLLy !!!
August 21, 2013 6:06:54am
    Post: #16 
is it needed in errors? lol this isnt suppose to be posted here , btb kick is face :)

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August 21, 2013 8:35:05am
    Post: #17 
Lol bullies are going to get pwned because of this thread.

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August 23, 2013 1:37:03am
    Post: #18 
dont take no crap you will just snap one day eventually

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August 23, 2013 10:02:22pm
    Post: #19 
Stand up to him, then he'll know that you have nerve to stand up. Of course tell a teacher that this is going on first though.

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August 23, 2013 10:05:54pm
    Post: #20 
Either tell a parent or some adult or just go about your ways, don't go down to his/her level and retaliate
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August 23, 2013 10:06:53pm
    Post: #21 
Just ask an adult for help, fighting back would only get you in trouble. Ignore the bully, and he or she should go away.

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August 23, 2013 10:56:48pm
    Post: #22 
Someone bullying you? You bully right back! D:< Bullies are just cowards who feel bad about themselves and gang up on someone being mean to make themselves look and/or feel better. And even though you SHOULD try and tell an teacher or something...Teachers don't really get the job done. Trust me. I know first-hand. :/ As for beating them up, I don't think you should knock them out or anything. Unless of course they're threatening you and trying to hurt you. Then you knock em out.

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August 24, 2013 12:36:35am
    Post: #23 
Well, when some tried to be a bully, i had to defend myself and i wound up knocking him unconscious, then the teachers didnt blame me at all for what happened. But usually just tell him to leave u alone, and if he keeps messing with u, a good punch to the nose will usually work.
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August 24, 2013 12:37:39am
    Post: #24 
umm no u use ur WITS, walk away or tell someone, if then, tell parents

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August 24, 2013 7:06:50am
    Post: #25 
I've always been a bully, I'm just a mean guy. :c But I'm really nice to my friends. <33333 I luff my friends. <3
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August 24, 2013 3:29:15pm
    Post: #26 
It's best just to try to ignore the bully. D;
Don't let what they're saying bother or affect you.

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August 24, 2013 4:47:41pm
    Post: #27 
You need to tell a teacher or an adult if you are being bullied, but if the bully tries to physically hurt then you can use self defense. But remember do not make any physical contact unless they try to hurt you first.
I am not speaking from experience so I may not know how it feels to be bullied. But i do know how it feels to be in an actual fist fight, and you may think that you can beat up the bully (I am saying this to all of you people who say beating up the bully is a good idea. It is not) but you will just get in more trouble than what the bully would have gotten into.
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August 24, 2013 9:04:13pm
    Post: #28 
Just as the others said don't make it worse with fighting against him/her. Just go to a teacher you are comfortable with and trust and report to him about the bullying and go to your parents, they will always help you. And I would say that fighting must be the last resolve, like even if you told the teachers about it and he still continue to bully you just beat him.

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September 21, 2013 12:25:02pm
    Post: #29 
to the bully in my class he got me so mad i kicked him in his balls then i got in trouble so yeah .. just tell your parents or teacher

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