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Mango Dolphin's Advanced Roleplay Guide
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Mango Dolphin's Advanced Roleplay Guide
August 19, 2013 5:11:10pm (This post was last modified: August 20, 2013 5:03:01pm by Mango Dolphin.)
    Post: #1 
Mango Dolphin's Advanced Roleplay Guide
..::Mango Dolphin's Advanced Roleplay Guide::..

A guide for those who want to be one of the best roleplayers!


Man, I've been waiting so long to do this! I've been procrastinating, but I think it's finally time that I share tips and tricks with you!

First off, roleplaying. It's why we're all here! To make sure you're understood and that you don't appear odd in some occasions, you've got to know these fundamentals.

  • #1 - Obeying the Rules
  • #2 - Grammar
  • #3 - Creative Punctuation
  • #4 - Going with the Story
  • #5 - The Limit
  • #6 - Sticking Out

Know that more will be added as I update this more and more!


#1 - Obeying the Rules [you must login to view images]

Obeying the rules is the most important thing you need to remember in a roleplay. It is the meaning of staying in the roleplay or being banned from them forever. You're supposed to try and obey the rules to your extent and try to do your best to follow them. It's life and death.
Obeying the rules is associated with respecting others and following your leaders, having obedience and trusting your leaders. Without obedience, whatever happens, it'll be all over the place, and this is the case for everything. When it comes to roleplay and even real life, you have to know that you have to obey, and everything will be fine. That way, with respect and obedience, you'll be respected as well and you'll be enjoyed as you play along in the roleplay. Just be yourself and have a bit of obedience, and you'll be good to go! But that isn't all.

#2 - Grammar [you must login to view images]

Remember everyone, use good grammar or some of us will go crazy. Besides obeying the rules, this is very important if you want to be understood when roleplaying. First off, let's go through proper spelling.

The most important thing to understand about grammar is that you must spell words correctly. You must learn from previous mistakes and see how it fits. If the word doesn't look right, you'll have to try and figure out how it looks correctly. Part of spelling things correctly is sounding it out and seeing if it sounds right, but just because you sound it out doesn't mean it's spelled correctly.
For example, spell out the word 'caught'. "KAW-t", or simply "kot". Simple enough, right? However, just because it sounds like that doesn't mean it's correct. Because the word 'caught' has a vowel pair, instead of making 'caht' it makes a short 'o' sound. Long story short of going through 3rd grade again, sometimes words can be fancy-shmancy.
If you're in a tangle and can't seem to get it right, spell-check is your best friend. Who is spell-check, you may ask? The spell-checker checks your spelling and checks what's wrong. However, some words such as "Cacnea" will not be registered, so you might wanna save them. Be careful, you might get a virus.
If you still have problems, you might want to ask others, and be nice. Others will be happy to assist you when it comes to this... most of the time.

[you must login to view images]
No truer words have been written!

#3 - Creative Punctuation [you must login to view images]

Nothing has been written here yet.

#4 - Going with the Story [you must login to view images]

Nothing has been written here yet.

#5 - The Limit [you must login to view images]


[you must login to view images]

#6 - Sticking Out [you must login to view images]

Nothing has been written here yet.


Tis I, Mango Dolphin! Suggester of Roleplays and Roleplay Master! Sort of.

[you must login to view links] - I love this song very so.
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August 20, 2013 12:34:47am
    Post: #2 
First Am I good roleplayer I don`t know, but I am a new roleplayer I think you mango are The Best roleplayer in the world also I am your number one fan!
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August 20, 2013 4:29:03pm
    Post: #3 
D'aw, thanks Luke!

Tis I, Mango Dolphin! Suggester of Roleplays and Roleplay Master! Sort of.

[you must login to view links] - I love this song very so.
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August 20, 2013 6:17:04pm
    Post: #4 
Your Very Welcome!
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August 20, 2013 6:20:17pm
    Post: #5 
Hey Mango. I, like Luke Ace, don't really know where I stand in the line. I think I got a lot better though, and Luke, I think you are part of the team by now, your now new anymore.
P.S in the orb: A new revolution, You may do pics of the story if they are not too gruesome.

[you must login to view images]
[you must login to view images]
Being a ghost type fan, is mentally busting.. and Hehehehe.. Fun..
Totes. mother said I was obsessed.with a magical wave of my magical roleplay hands, I said "Go make me a sandwich."
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August 20, 2013 8:50:32pm
    Post: #6 
Hoorah! The fun hast been doubled!

As for what blarff said, Luke Ace, you aren't exactly a new roleplayer anymore. You're one of us now. :)

Tis I, Mango Dolphin! Suggester of Roleplays and Roleplay Master! Sort of.

[you must login to view links] - I love this song very so.
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August 20, 2013 9:47:48pm
    Post: #7 
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