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Gungdam style
Post: #1
Gungdam style
Psy is awesome post here for it
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Post: #2
It's Gangnam Style x.x
And I hate Psy ;c Idk why people like him so much, it's in Korean. Most people don't even know what he's saying. You he's awesome, lemme ask you this, what are his other songs? If you don't know, then you probably only know him as tha Gangnam Style guy. |
Post: #3
Was going to say what is gungdam sytle.. Psy is just annoying.. His songs are so big in the UK but we can only understanda about 1 percent of the lyrics -.-
September 08, 2013 4:06:43pm (This post was last modified: September 08, 2013 4:07:05pm by mech.)
Post: #4
Gungdam style
well i loved the song very much its just awesome love it a lot !!!!
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Post: #5
People love it so much and i don't get it, you have no idea what he is talking about, for all you know he could be talking about something horrible (which I know he is not) and you would be laughing at it. Plus it just really annoys me.
I like waffles
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Post: #6
Psy is annoying.
And Gangnam You don't Understand a word In it. Sure some people do, But not a lot of People. I don't get how People like it >.>
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Post: #7
Eh. I thought his video was pretty funny. XD However, I'm not that huge of a fan of him.
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Post: #8
Talking about English version wow
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Post: #9
The video for Gangnam style was horrible and dumb, and the song makes no sense.
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Post: #10
Hy meow hy again
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Post: #11
Meow or cat
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Post: #12
One of my fav.
He is awesome. |
Post: #13
my brother absolutly htes him but my nan when ever the music comes on she dances the gangnam style XD
Post: #14
That song is funny to me because how he dances xD but that's my opinion it gets annoying after sometime tho
Post: #15
That song is funny to me because how he dances xD but that's my opinion it gets annoying after sometime tho
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