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Post: #1
Any fans of the chronicles of Riddick series? What do you think the new movie will be like? Is it a remake of the first? And do you think vin diesel plays the role well? Let me know what y'all think:)
Post: #2
Cronicles of riddick is a nice movie.
i like the ''animal thing'' in the prison with those hell houds :D and killing someone with a iron cup :D he plays it good. and i hope the upcoming movie will be nice to.
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Post: #3
Loved the last Riddick movie :O this next one though seems similar to the first movie though people getting trapped looking for him and then something hunting the people and him trying to help them lol
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Post: #4
I've seen the commercials and it looks like a pretty good movie. I may or may not see it in theaters
Post: #5
Oh cool:) I will probably just wait till it comes out on DVD or blu ray to watch it. I think it's a remake but I'm really not that sure, witherite shallbe good because Vin Diesal is a pretty good actor in my opinion.
Post: #6
I have only seen the scene described above with the prison cell and an annoying group of individuals that end up getting killed with an iron cup but i do think it is a nice movie have you seen the newest moviee from riddick? I think that one looks cool
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Post: #7
Van Diesel played his roles well in the last two riddick movies honestly i must say hes the best guy to play such a role lol...wonder how well this one is
Post: #8
seen the movie was great for most of it and then the ended let me down
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