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Soul Calibur 3, Chronicals of the sword
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Soul Calibur 3, Chronicals of the sword
September 23, 2013 7:39:31pm
    Post: #1 
Soul Calibur 3, Chronicals of the sword
In a great continent, there were 3 kingdoms, the Grandall Empire, the Dalkia Kingdom and the Halteese Republic.There was also 7 kingdoms, Grandall, Dalkia, Halteese, Maletta, bandit, Rebel and Arthias, the kingdoms broke out in a war, the Grandall grew their army quietly, and the war slowed down down because the other kingdoms were growing thier armies, You are one of the members in the war, will you die trying, or will you live and stop the war? If you chose the second option, Raise your sword and continue!
As a new recruit, you will need some training, the General of [Kingdom here] ,[Name here] has decided to take you under his/her wing, so you have a lower chance of death. You pass the tests and go into your first battle. If you win or die is up to you.

1:No Godmodding
2: You can have romances :3
3: no powerplay
4: No dropping F bombs every 5 seconds or anything like that the words i'll allow are the 3 they use in the games
Hell, and the other two swares they say. im not posting it cause it could get me banned. though dont over use those either.
5: Nothing overly violent.
6: only admins can run a Kingdom. Mods can be "2nd in command" though.n (Generals are 2nd in command)

Admins: Mysterious Garden, Blarff, Me
Mods: Luke ace

Classes(Not Battle, RTS in other words):
Cavalry: Horse-mounted warriors. These are the fastest of the unit types and second only to Infantry when it comes to attacking other units, but they are ineffective when it comes to attacking strongholds.
Infantry: The basic unit type. They are well-rounded, with no real weaknesses. They are the best choice for attacking enemy units, especially if a Knight is defending against the enemy's attacks.
Knight: The most effective unit to use when defending against enemies on the world map. However, they are the slowest unit type, which makes it difficult to utilize their superior ability to attack strongholds.
Bandit: Second only to Cavalry in terms of speed and second only to Knight when it comes to attacking strongholds. Unfortunately, they can neither attack nor defend well against enemy units on the world map.

Classes(Character Type):
Sword master (User of any swords, but no soul of any characters):
Barbarian (Iron sword user, can also use Soul of Nightmare, Soul of seigfreid, Soul of Ansteroth, and soul of rock)
Ninja (user of Katana, Kunai and Katana and shuriken, sickle)
Samurai (uses Katana)
sage: (uses Chinese blade and staff)
Monk: (uses soul of Maxi and Nunchucks)
Assassin (uses wave sword and soul of Tira)
Theif (uses Wave sword, dagger and greive edges)
Knight (uses Lance)
Dancer (uses Tambourines and soul of Valdo)

Weapon Classes:
Soul of Astaroth
Soul of Cassandra
Soul of Cervantes
Soul of Ivy
Soul of Kilik
Soul of Lizardman
Soul of Maxi
Soul of Mitsurugi
Soul of Nightmare
Soul of Raphael
Soul of Rock
Soul of Seong Mi-na
Soul of Setsuka
Soul of Siegfried
Soul of Sophitia
Soul of Taki
Soul of Talim
Soul of Tira
Soul of Voldo
Soul of Xianghua
Soul of Yoshimitsu
Soul of Yun-seong
Soul of Zasalamel
Staff (Hualin style)
Chinese Blade (Luna's style)
Chinese Sword (Hwang's style)
Dagger (Chester's style)
Grieve Edge (Valeria's style)
Iron Sword (Strife's style)
Katana (Arthur's style)
Katana & Shuriken (Miser's style)
Kunai (Greed's style)
Lance (Girardot's style)
Nunchaku (Li Long's style)
Rapier (Amy's style)
Sickle (Aurelia's style)
Steel Fan (Demuth's style)
Sword & Shield (Abelia's style)
Tambourine (Lynette's style)
Wave Sword (Revenant's style)

Sign Ups:
kingdom you live in:
Weapon class:
Rank(Leader, General, Trainee, ect,ect):

Tell me what you would like to be added

(For people who want a to look like angels, use Winged Cape, it looks like wings :3)

Here is me-
name: BlueLink9001
Age: 17
gender: male
appearance:, Blue eyes, Brown gelled back hair, almost black Under shirt
Black Theif Tunic, Dark Grey Lether Belt, Dark grey Slacks, Black Enchanted Boots (just a name) and Black Bandit gloves.
personality: Nice, fair, often gives mercy. When he is taken over by soul egde he is mean, strict, and gives No mercy making their days their last.
kingdom you live in: Rebel
RTS: Calvery
Class: Barbarian
Weapon class: Soul Of Nightmare and Greive edges.
Bio: Was origonally in Dalkia but he was rushed out when Grandall came in, His parents died by two grandall soldiers and i was taken in as one of them, He found out what really happened and started a Rebelion against Grandall.
Rank(Leader, General, Trainee, ect,ect): Leader

My favorite ghirahim quote

[you must login to view images]
[you must login to view images] < Running Titan

[you must login to view images] I am a Legend of zelda Fan, Majoras mask was my favorite game

[you must login to view images]

[you must login to view images] <- my result

[you must login to view images] <- My brother's result

[you must login to view images] <- My new result
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September 24, 2013 2:16:59am
    Post: #2 
Blue walked about, Keeping out of sight of Grandall Soldiers, He suddenly fell to the ground getting the attention of 4 Grandall Soldiers, I get up holding soul edge, they back away, I chase after them and grab 2 and throw them at the other two then stabbing the 4 killing and absorbing their souls, I go back to normal and run from the bodies

My favorite ghirahim quote

[you must login to view images]
[you must login to view images] < Running Titan

[you must login to view images] I am a Legend of zelda Fan, Majoras mask was my favorite game

[you must login to view images]

[you must login to view images] <- my result

[you must login to view images] <- My brother's result

[you must login to view images] <- My new result
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September 24, 2013 8:11:50pm
    Post: #3 
(Can i make my own stle plz you won't be disappointed.)
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September 24, 2013 8:33:13pm
    Post: #4 
(Oh, style? sure, wont annoy me ^u^, But don't go overboard ^u^)

My favorite ghirahim quote

[you must login to view images]
[you must login to view images] < Running Titan

[you must login to view images] I am a Legend of zelda Fan, Majoras mask was my favorite game

[you must login to view images]

[you must login to view images] <- my result

[you must login to view images] <- My brother's result

[you must login to view images] <- My new result
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