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scariest game ever.
Post: #1
scariest game ever.
Hello there! The scariest game I have played is haunted house massacre what's your scariest game. Play haunted house massacre it's scary.
Post: #2
Resident Evil in ps1. xD old school game :P
Post: #3
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Post: #4
I played [you must login to view links], it can only be played during 6pm until 6am.. and it is so freaking scary.. too bad it is not online anymore..
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Post: #5
RAGE for the playstation3 and i know what officially is the scariest game for the nintendo DS that game is called dementium/dementium 2 which are by the way super awesome you play this guy who is crazy and sometimes he goes to a differejt world where shoots up a lot of monester but they are all imagination it is now also available for the pc!!!!
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Post: #6
definitely the house of the dead. i played the arcade and remastered downloadable version, scariest game ive encountwred
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