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Grammar Error
Post: #1
Grammar Error
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I think you meant either "It disintegrated you" or "You disintegrated."
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Post: #2
meh, lucky dip typos are common. It's not much of a problem since there are so many.
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Thanks Queenx^ I'm a beginner roleplayer, and I have to say, it's fun!:) Feel free to leave me a tip or two about roleplaying. |
Post: #3
Yeah. I was being responsible and reporting, since the rules say that grammatical errors count as a bug.
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[you must login to view links] <--- [you must login to view links] <--- Dre iz big fan. [you must login to view images] ^Thanks ABOMINATOR [you must login to view images] ^smol grape boi Spoiler: |
Post: #4
Good job catching the grammatical error I wouldn't have noticed and yeah.grammar does count as an error.
Post: #5
You did a good thing pointing it out. Most people would have just let it go. cx I honestly didn't even know this was an error that could be reported though. o; But I haven't really seen in mistakes that I can recall on.
Post: #6
That's good, though, because that means that there aren't really any mistakes!
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[you must login to view links] <--- [you must login to view links] <--- Dre iz big fan. [you must login to view images] ^Thanks ABOMINATOR [you must login to view images] ^smol grape boi Spoiler: |
Post: #7
i wouldn't care that much like he said i would let it go but good thing you spotted that out.
Post: #8
it's not that really important though.
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