
Pokemon Creed Forums < Teddiursa's Tech Lab < facebook
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October 29, 2013 10:32:08am (This post was last modified: November 02, 2013 2:39:45pm by gligar1234.)
    Post: #1 
is it possible to know email address of a facebook user without asking them or them knowing that you are trying to know their email address?

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October 30, 2013 2:40:16am
    Post: #2 
Umm...I don't think so. Not since I've been on. Which I haven't been on facebook in a long time, so they may have changed it by now. But last I've seen, you cannot see any of that. Only if someone's online or on their phone or something on the IM thing.

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October 30, 2013 12:44:32pm
    Post: #3 
No, none of those things are possible. Also, the time stamps for the phones on the chat aren't always accurate.

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October 30, 2013 7:56:39pm
    Post: #4 
Nope. You get them fake apps that says that you can see when people view your profile but all they do is just spam up your news feed and basically is a virus
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November 02, 2013 2:40:44pm
    Post: #5 
changed my question, this was my old question
i have one question related to facebook, if someone sees your profile, is it possible for you to know?
if i see someone's profile, is it possible for them to know?
and, if someone has no activity on facebook, is it possible to know when was last time he logged in?

posted my older questions so that the people don't misunderstand the answerers.
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