
Pokemon Creed Forums < Pokemon Creed - Contests < 3rd November Contest.(Ended)
3rd November Contest.(Ended)
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3rd November Contest.(Ended)
November 03, 2013 8:22:59am (This post was last modified: November 10, 2013 7:11:28am by Arsenic212.)
    Post: #1 
3rd November Contest.(Ended)

Winners and Answers announced

Well i am holding a contest along with a few of my fellow creeders.
There will be 2 Parts of this contest. As soon as the first part (The Registration Part) ends Part 2 would be announced.
Prizes are worth the joining in. [/color]

1)Follow the Format of the contest. Anyone who dosnt will not be allowed to take part.
2)If u get forum banned between any parts of the contest ur out.
3)You should not take part with 2 accounts , there would be checking.
4)Follow creed forum rules or else u would not be allowed to take part in any of my future contests.

Part One Ended!
Scroll down for Part Two

I Would like to say a heartily thank you for all of the prizes you have contributed!
Contestants, dont forget to Thank these people :)

Jack73355 - #205384 (Donated R.Hitmonlee)
NiNjAkiLL - #145763 (Donated 10k Coins)
Jamjov - #35623 (Donated C.Butterfree & R.Charizard)
nightmaredragon - #229649 (Donated C.Onix and S.Luvdisc)
DarkVortex - #14384 (Donated S.Deerling)

1st Prize goes too TamerzZ - #237440
RainbowHitmonlee ♂ - Level 4184

2nd Prize goes too snorunt - #248390
10,000 Coins
CursedUmbreon ♂ - Level 5

3rd Prize goes too LOTIO - #126001
ShadowSpiritomb ♂ - Level 5
RainbowBlaziken ♂ - Level 162

4th Prize goes too Queenx - #328973
RainbowCharizard ♂ - Level 1500
ShadowDeerling ♀ - Level 5
ShadowLuvdisc ♂ - Level 22

LuminousCryogonal ♀ - Level 30

5th Prize goes too kev9821 - #299936
CursedKoffing ♂ - Level 6
CursedKoffing ♂ - Level 197
CursedOnix ♂ - Level 13
CursedButterfree ♂ - Level 1160

Random Prize:
Random Prize to a Random Contestant. (Contributed by Dualot) Goes too assiren - #37974

Registered Players and Points Table:


1) mystery master - #101487
2) rozario - #18690
3) Pratheekmogasale - #320501
4) ash20111 - #217773 (Scored 5 Points)
5) farist01 - #50732
6) Queenx - #328973 (Scored 60 Points)
7) Varunmayya - #277143
8) Cyprum - #325487 (Scored 40 Points)
9) rakshi.th4206 - #318398
10) Adam maiden - #319644
11) TamerzZ - #237440 (Scored 80 Points)
12) nightmaredragon - #229649 (Scored 50 Points) [Disqualified]
13) melmoasd - #52801
14) Darkvortex - #14384
15) xpietju - #105363 (Scored 45 Points)
16) Magnetrise - #86065
17) Campt - #107178
18) dyondoornkamp - #287400
19) golden zapdos - #331138 [Disqualified]
20) yoshibuster09012 - #166501 (Scored 35 Points)
21) alexrazorblade - #325701
22) MistyMisty - #143802
23) kev9821 - #299936 (Scored 55 Points)
24) Amathyst - #274239
25) LOTIO - #126001 (Scored 70 Points)
26) kray - #214927
27) Erthy5 - #164499
28) AKRYLIC - #331142
29) gokussj5 - #303157
30) happy - #17332
31) Darkrai18 - #253333
32) Travissharingan - #36032
33) Smelly foot - #328636
34) Elie Shane - #322213
35) Zues196 - #179261 (Scored 35 Points)
36) AnTiN - #224357
37) snorunt - #248390 (Scored 75 Points)
38) shadow123456789 - #78653
39) ENERGIExSHOT - #157962
40) Justin Vincible - #321459
41) 1dogzilla - #59638
42) tntt - #98517
43) PerfectStar - #314653
44) Shinxey - #326370
45) christie41 - #331438
46) Pikachomp - #329806
47) TheOldSouls - #331259
48) ZeroLife - #330521
49) Ryback Rulez - #317139
50) mercuryblack - #331179 (Scored 60 Points)
51) JAY STORAGE - #327288
52) assiren - #37974 (Scored 40 Points)
53) Doridodrio - #173047
54) brys18 - #20814 (Scored 40 points)
55) rocker99 - #267596
56) jack73355 - #205384 (Scored 50 points)
57) RichKidDre - #111790
58) Kotesu - #141207
59) boricha - #143873
60) Undertaker19341 - #267052 (Scored 20 points)
61) sajid - #234067
62) cf1706 - #288406
63) NiNjAkiLL - #145763
64) Jamjov - #35623

Part two!

For Part 2. There is a series of questions. Each question carries different points. The one who scores the most gets 1st then 2nd and so on.

1)All the answers have to be sent in PM to me. Anyone who posts them here is disqualified.
2) Answers can be sent twice per player. Those who answer more then twice will be instantly disqualified.
3)If a tie occurs on any of the positions. would be used and hence 1 number would be chosen.


1) When is my Birthday ? (Hint: Numbers in my User) (20 Points) (Answer: 12th Feb)

2) Who has the most Colored Squirtles ? (5 points) (Answer: Fireheart666)

3) Who trained my Cursed Golurk ? (Two people did it. Name any one) (25 Points) (Answer: Blackheartwarrior, Magnetrise)

4) What was the name of the movie i saw recently ? (Hint:Magic,Not too old) (20 Points) (Question changed due to people shouting it out loud .-.) (Answer: Now you see me)

5) Name my good "Female" Friend on here. (Hint:She Is Rich) (20 Points) (Answer: Luthesse <3)

6) Who made this for me ? [you must login to view links] (Hint: He/She is quiet an old player) (20 Points) (Answer: Pyrus Freak)

7) Who has the happiest nick on Creed ? (Hint: He/She is quiet active and rich) (15 Points) (Answer: Mikehappy)

8) Name my Favorite Pokemon (Hint: 4-Blue-X) (15 points) (Answer: Metagross)

9) Who did i refer as "Astery" On Creed chat ? (Give his Username and ID#) (15 points) (Answer: Aster1 - #127572)

10) How old am i ? (Some people know) (10 Points) (Answer: 16)

NOTE:All the answers have to be sent in PM to me. Anyone who posts them here is disqualified.


Good luck too one and all. Dont forget to enjoy :)


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^ Made by MaD Roby ^

Creed Artist
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Visit my Deviantart profile

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November 03, 2013 8:24:21am
    Post: #2 
mystery master - #101487
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November 03, 2013 8:24:24am
    Post: #3 
nightmaredragon - #229649

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November 03, 2013 8:24:41am
    Post: #4 
rozario #18690

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November 03, 2013 8:25:43am
    Post: #5 
Pratheekmogasale - #320501
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November 03, 2013 8:25:59am
    Post: #6 
ash20111 - #217773

site to download adobe photoshop for making userbar and many other useful things
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Pokemon Creed's Best Chat Moments

Click here

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^thanz a lot to arsenic. :)
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November 03, 2013 8:26:43am
    Post: #7 
farist01- #50732

[you must login to view images]MEGA LUCARIO[you must login to view images]
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November 03, 2013 8:28:25am
    Post: #8 
Queenx - #328973

My Arts

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November 03, 2013 8:30:54am
    Post: #9 
Varunmayya - #277143

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November 03, 2013 8:30:59am
    Post: #10 
Cyprum - #325487

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November 03, 2013 8:31:11am
    Post: #11 
Rak****h4206 -#318398

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made by Queenx.. Thanks
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November 03, 2013 8:34:37am
    Post: #12 
Adam maiden-#319644
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November 03, 2013 8:37:35am
    Post: #13 
TamerzZ - #237440

To gain list:
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All I do is. ART!!

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Find me on deviantart: [you must login to view links]

Click the images below for their sprite type tutorials
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November 03, 2013 8:38:55am
    Post: #14 
melmoasd - #52801

"If your a Filipino click HERE and post ^_^ "
"or you can join our clan by clicking image below"

Made by pokate123
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Made by me
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November 03, 2013 8:39:55am
    Post: #15 
Darkvortex #14384

Whatever the mind of man can conceive and believe, it can achieve.

Thnx for this Oscah.
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