
Pokemon Creed Forums < Dratini's Deep Discussion < Reserved constituencies
Reserved constituencies
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Reserved constituencies
November 17, 2013 1:12:59pm
    Post: #1 
Reserved constituencies
Ok, so I was reading my political science textbook where I read that there are 79 constituencies reserved for SCs and 41 constituencies are reserved for STs. I asked teacher why is it so and he replied that the makers of our constitution wanted upliftment and empowerment of those sections of society because they represent a significant section of society but other more resourceful people do not let them stand up and raise their voices.

But, didn't the makers of constitution also want India to be free of caste system and discrimination?

By reserving some constituencies for them like that, aren't they themselves actually encouraging people by telling them they are different? Do you think this reserved system should be there?
I think it should not be there. Because they are weak only because of themselves. If they work hard, they can become stronger. I don't think it was needed for constitution to reserve anything for them.
What do you think?

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November 17, 2013 10:42:57pm
    Post: #2 
I heard about this before from my friends and I think it should not be there
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