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The legend of the creation Pokemon
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The legend of the creation Pokemon
November 30, 2013 10:08:53pm
    Post: #1 
The legend of the creation Pokemon
I decided to try and do a story, Sorry if chapters aren't very long...

I stepped outside my house and went to the Professor's lab "I'm here for a Pokemon!" I say happily "All I have left is this Shiny Bulbasaur." He said and handed me the Bulbasaur "I'll call you Vine!" I say "Thank you Professor!" I say and bolt out the doors, a mean trainer walks up to me "Hey Trash sack!" he says "I got a Charmander from the professor!" he smirked and sent it out, It glared at me and used Scratch, I send out Vine and Vine grabs the Charmander with Vine Whip and throws it into a tree, the trainer walks up to me, then punches me in the face, Vine gets enraged and tackles him and then pulls his pants down using Vine whip, I get up and I kick the trainer in the boing-oings and push him over, I return Vine to its pokeball and walk away and begin my journey.

My favorite ghirahim quote

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[you must login to view images] < Running Titan

[you must login to view images] I am a Legend of zelda Fan, Majoras mask was my favorite game

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[you must login to view images] <- my result

[you must login to view images] <- My brother's result

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November 30, 2013 10:22:18pm
    Post: #2 
Chapter One, The Begining
I walk into tall grass and a wild Starly attacks, I send out Vine, Vine uses Tackle on the Starly, the Starly uses Tackle on Vine, I throw a Pokeball at the Starly, ★....★...★! (★'s=Pokeball shakes) I caught the Starly, "I'll name you Zypher" I say and walk to the Pokemon Center and heal my two pokemon, I walk to Route 2 after going to the Pokemart and getting 10 Pokeballs and a Premeir Ball as an added bonus, I see a Shinx and send out Vine, Vine uses Tackle, the Shinx uses Spark, I throw the Premeir ball at Shinx ★...★...☆... The Shinx poped out and used Spark, Vine used Vine whip and threw Shinx into a tree, I throw a Pokeball at Shinx ★...★......★! I caught Shinx! "I'll name you Shock!" I say and go to the Pokemon Center again

My favorite ghirahim quote

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[you must login to view images] < Running Titan

[you must login to view images] I am a Legend of zelda Fan, Majoras mask was my favorite game

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[you must login to view images] <- my result

[you must login to view images] <- My brother's result

[you must login to view images] <- My new result
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November 30, 2013 10:42:40pm
    Post: #3 
I see a girl with a shiny Trapinch, "Hold it!" I yell "Who are you?" I ask "I'm Sakuya" She said "And this adorable lil thing is Beddy! My Trapinch!" She says then skips off "Why do I have a feeling I'll bump into her again?" I mutter to myself then walk off to Route 2 again, I train my Pokemon allot and make it to Pweter city with a Pikachu named Thunder, a Ivysaur(Vine), Zypher and Shock, I enter the city gym and see Sakuya there and she has the Boulder Badge, I challenge brock and send out Vine, Brock sends out Geodude, Vine uses Razor Leaf then Poison Powder and Vine whip, KOing Geodude, Brock sends out Onix, "Vine! Poison Powder on Razor Leaf!" I yell and Onix gets damaged greatly and poisoned, Onix uses Rock Tomb and Vine counters using Vine Whip, and swings the rocks back at Onix, KOing it, "Wow, You're pretty strong, here take this Boulder Badge as proof that you beat me." Brock says and I receive the Boulder badge and the TM rock tomb, I walk out and heal Bulbasaur "Hey mister! you were so, like, WOW! can I travel with you?" Sakuya asks "I...guess?" I say "Oh by the way, I'm Ryoku." I greet myself and me and Sakuya walk out of the Pokemon Center

My favorite ghirahim quote

[you must login to view images]
[you must login to view images] < Running Titan

[you must login to view images] I am a Legend of zelda Fan, Majoras mask was my favorite game

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[you must login to view images] <- my result

[you must login to view images] <- My brother's result

[you must login to view images] <- My new result
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November 30, 2013 11:11:43pm
    Post: #4 
We get to Route 3, and battle many trainers I catch a Nidoran ♂ "I'll name you, Poiso" I say and walk into Mount Moon, Sakuya catches a Jigglypuff "I WILL CALL YOU SQUISHY AND YOU WILL BE MEIN!" Sakuya yells running into Mount moon, I encounter a Shiny Zubat and capture it with a Great ball "I will call you, Annoying" I say and me and Sakuya explore Mount moon and we see men in black uniforms "Who are you?" I ask the man in black "I'm a Team Rocket Guard, now give me your pokemon or are we gonna have ta make ya?" the Grunt asks, "Heh, make me" I say sending out Thunder, The Grunt sends out Rattata, Thunder KOs Rattata with a Thunder Bolt, the Grunt sends out a Zubat, Thunder KOs it with a Thunder shock attack, The Grunt rages and runs off, stealing 50$ from me, I get to the nerd and beat him, I get the Helix Fossil and Sakuya gets a Dome Fossil, and we exit Mount Moon.

Prepare for the makeover!




A force as strong as life itself! I'm Glitter Spring!

Okay now that THAT'S over with.
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[you must login to view images] "Here we go."
[you must login to view images] <-That's pretty much a Midi made by Sans.
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November 30, 2013 11:33:47pm
    Post: #5 
Chapter 2, The City of Water
As me and Sakuya walked to Crimulion City(Or however its spelt) Sakuya saw a trainer beating a Shiny Charmander with a stick, I walked up to the trainer and fliped him over, then punched the daylights out of him, then threw him into a hole, the Charmander looked very hurt, Sakuya took it to the Pokemon Center and it was healed, Charmander looked at Sakuya and Sakuya captured it and announced "I SHALLZ NAMEZ YOUZ CHAZ!" Sakuya and I walked into Misty's gym and I easily beat it with Vine, I trained Vine to level 31, and my other pokemon to lvl 30, Annoying evolved into a Golbat, Poiso evolved into a Niderino, Zypher was a Staravia, and Shock was a Luxray, I went to see Bill, and Sakuya tagged along, we got to Bill after many useless battles and he was a Pokemon, I helped him out before Sakuya declared him hers, and he gave me 2 tickets to the S.S.Anne, Me and Sakuya exited Bills house and headed for Vermillion City.

Prepare for the makeover!




A force as strong as life itself! I'm Glitter Spring!

Okay now that THAT'S over with.
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[you must login to view images] "Here we go."
[you must login to view images] <-That's pretty much a Midi made by Sans.
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November 30, 2013 11:46:05pm
    Post: #6 
When we got there, Vine evolved into a Venosaur, Me and Sakuya entered the ship, we got to the captain, Sakuya and I noticed he wasn't feeling well, Sakuya attempted to make him feel better with like 50 or 60 diffrent ways, I just rubbed his back, He gave me HM01, Cut and Sakuya got 1 dollar and was begged to leave, Me and Sakuya left the ship, and we got into the 3rd Gym, I almost lost but I won using Shock, and got the Volt badge, I healed my Pokemon and headed for Saffron City,

Prepare for the makeover!




A force as strong as life itself! I'm Glitter Spring!

Okay now that THAT'S over with.
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[you must login to view images] "Here we go."
[you must login to view images] <-That's pretty much a Midi made by Sans.
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December 01, 2013 12:42:18am
    Post: #7 
"The road is closed, and boy i'm thirsty" the guard says, I give him some fresh water and he lets us into Saffron City, I rush straight to Lavander Town

Chapter 3, The town of the dead and The town of flowers
In Lavander Town, Sakuya was scared to heck, I realized that I ordered a package 3 days ago and enter the Pokemon center, I open my package and have the Sligh Scope, I enter the tower and get to the Marowack that Team Rocket killed, I defeat it and get to the top floor Sakuya was still petrified, a hand arose from the grave and an ghastly, faint voice saying "I'm so lonley, So very lonley, but your here now, won't you join me?" a undead trainer emerges from the dirt
-Trainer BURIEDALIVE would like to battle!-
I bolted with Sakuya before I had dirty things done to me, I ran straight to Celadon and beat the Gymleader in 5 minutes, I sigh in releif that I wont see that...Thing...for a while.

Prepare for the makeover!




A force as strong as life itself! I'm Glitter Spring!

Okay now that THAT'S over with.
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[you must login to view images] "Here we go."
[you must login to view images] <-That's pretty much a Midi made by Sans.
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December 01, 2013 3:35:11am
    Post: #8 
Sakuya and me train and catch pokemon for a while, and goes to Saffron City and beats the 5th Gymleader, and after many hours of walking about defeating Team Rocket Grunts

Prepare for the makeover!




A force as strong as life itself! I'm Glitter Spring!

Okay now that THAT'S over with.
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[you must login to view images] "Here we go."
[you must login to view images] <-That's pretty much a Midi made by Sans.
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December 02, 2013 3:44:27am
    Post: #9 
Chapter 4, Legends of certain Pokemon

Sakuya and I make it to a Pokemon Center in Fushia City, We se a trainer with Blonde hair wearing black clothing, she approaches us, and we stand still "Do you know of pokemon that helped create the Universe? Such as Dialga and Palkia?" She asks, I shake my head, "There are many Pokemon as you know, though some have unbelievable power, Dialga, for example, can control time, and Palkia controlls space." She starts, she rambles on and on about the myths of several other regions, "But those are just myths!" Sakuya says yawning, "No, They are true, I've seen Dialga, Palkia and Giratina before, they're very powerful and aren't myths." she shakes her head "Oh, I'm Cynthia, former champion of the Sinnoh Region." Cynthia greets herself then walks off, Sakuya yawns and as do I, it was 10:49 PM when Cynthia left, I changed into my jammies and Sakuya 5 second changes, I get into a Sleeping bag with a plushy Bidoof, Sakuya slept on the chandelier holding Squishy as a plushy, Sakuya was fast asleep but Cynthia's talking about the Legendary Pokemon intrested me deeply, I decided my new goal was to become the greatest trainer in Kanto and set off to find Every legendary pokemon in existance, I fell asleep 5 minutes later

Prepare for the makeover!




A force as strong as life itself! I'm Glitter Spring!

Okay now that THAT'S over with.
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[you must login to view images] "Here we go."
[you must login to view images] <-That's pretty much a Midi made by Sans.
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December 02, 2013 10:39:46pm
    Post: #10 
Sakuya woke up and looked at me and shouts "HEEEEEYYYY GET UUUPPPPPP WEEEE HAAAAVE THIIINGS TO DUUUUU!" I wake up from fright and I walk out in slightly different clothing, Sakuya follows me, I get to Koga's gym and I make it to Koga, I had Vine, level 45, Poiso, Nidoking, level 43, Thunder, Raichu, level 44, Shock, level 45, Zypher, Staraptor, lvl 46 and Annoying, Crobat, level 47.

-Gymleader KOGA would like to battle!-
I send out Vine, Koga sends out Muk "Earthquake!" I shout and Vine uses Earthquake, Muk takes severe damage, "Muk! Sludge Bomb!" The attack was normal on Vine because Vine was a Grass/poison type, Vine uses Solar Beam and begins absorbing sunlight, Muk uses Toxic which doesn't effect Vine because Poison types can't be poisoned, and Vine KOs Muk with Solar Beam, after more fighting I eventually won and got the Gym badge, I return Vine and heal him, then I set off for Cinabar Island, Sakuya came with me, we boarded a ship and sailed off

Prepare for the makeover!




A force as strong as life itself! I'm Glitter Spring!

Okay now that THAT'S over with.
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[you must login to view images] "Here we go."
[you must login to view images] <-That's pretty much a Midi made by Sans.
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December 03, 2013 3:25:15am
    Post: #11 
Inside the darkness of the ship, the Trainer from before was watching, I yawned and went to the sleeping quarters, Sakuya was staring straight ahead until she was attacked by the trainer, the trainer tied her up and covered her mouth so she couldn't yell, the first mistake the trainer made, I got curious of why Sakuya hasn't shouted something stupid yet, and looked for her, The trainer locked her into a room in the bowels of the cruise boat, The trainer was in there too and well, very NAUGHTY things happened to Sakuya, When I found her, I took out my Katana and broke the door down

Prepare for the makeover!




A force as strong as life itself! I'm Glitter Spring!

Okay now that THAT'S over with.
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[you must login to view images] "Here we go."
[you must login to view images] <-That's pretty much a Midi made by Sans.
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December 03, 2013 9:00:52pm
    Post: #12 
I was surrounded by 5 grunts of Team Destruction, the team the Trainer started, I easily knocked them out and took on The trainer, I flipped him over a table and hit him with a Crobar in the head, He got a sledgehammer and we battled, I tripped him using the crobar and he hit himself with the hammer from the fall and was knocked out, I take his trainer card "Son of Giovanni...named Tyran?" I said and ducktaped a note saying "Arrest me" on it and dialed for the cops, I freed Sakuya, who's eyes were still glittering, And the cops arrested Tyran for
•Attempted Murder

We got off the ship at Seafoam cave

Prepare for the makeover!




A force as strong as life itself! I'm Glitter Spring!

Okay now that THAT'S over with.
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[you must login to view images] "Here we go."
[you must login to view images] <-That's pretty much a Midi made by Sans.
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December 04, 2013 3:48:21am
    Post: #13 
Chapter 5, The Ice Bird Articuno and Cinnibar Island

Me and Sakuya wandered the cave, Sakuya caught a Seel and shouted "I WILL NAME YOU NAMI!" and I saw a mysterious Bird pokemon, "ARTICUNO!" it shouted as we got closer to it, I challenged it and sent Thunder, Articuno used Ice Beam, and Thunder dodged and used Rain Dance, Articuno used Mind reader and Thunder used Thunder, hitting Articuno and doing massive damage, Articuno used ice beam and hit Thunder hard, Thunder used Volt Tackle and KOed Articuno, I threw a Pokeball at it and ★....★.........★! I caught the Legendary Pokemon Articuno! It was sent to BOX 1 in BILL's PC! Me and Sakuya run to Cinnibar Island using Sakuya's Fatassmcgee, which is a Snorlax, when we got there I imediately switched Zypher for Articuno, Professor Oak was amazed with my work, and told me to capture every Legendary I see, I nod and say "Okay!" And turn off the PC, I open the Cinnibar Gym's doors and get to Blaine, my pokemon were Vine, lvl 59, Thunder, level 58, Articuno, level 50, Shock, level 55, Annoying, level 60, and Wail, a level 58 Wailord I got as a present from Officer Jenny for catching the criminal, it was level 5 when he received it, but he trained it, Anyways, Blane challenged me, and I almost lost but Wail won, I got the Volcano Badge and I get a special announcement on my PDA★, the message said "For those with 7 Gymbadges, The 8th Gymleader has returned! He is at Veridian City!" Me and Sakuya fly to Veridian City on Articuno

Prepare for the makeover!




A force as strong as life itself! I'm Glitter Spring!

Okay now that THAT'S over with.
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[you must login to view images] "Here we go."
[you must login to view images] <-That's pretty much a Midi made by Sans.
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December 04, 2013 9:04:25pm
    Post: #14 
We enter the gym, a man in the shadows challenged me, He sent out Armoured Mewtwo, I sent out Articuno, Articuno used Mind Reader, Mewtwo used Stone edge, Articuno dodged and used Sheer Cold, 1-hit KOing Mewtwo, the man was amazed and sent out Nidoking, After 30 minutes, I beat all his pokemon, "Ey kid, You, you not so bad, here is yo oith badge" The man says and hands me the earth badge and I set off for the Pokemon leauge with Sakuya, 3 minutes later, Mewtwo destroys the gym and flys off to Cremulion cave

Prepare for the makeover!




A force as strong as life itself! I'm Glitter Spring!

Okay now that THAT'S over with.
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[you must login to view images] "Here we go."
[you must login to view images] <-That's pretty much a Midi made by Sans.
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December 07, 2013 5:07:40pm
    Post: #15 
Sakuya stops and I notice she is fatter than usual "Dammit that kid didn't do what I think he did, Did he?" I ask, unfortunately she nods "Well, at least he is in jail, Though, you should go to the Pokemon Center, its the closest thing to a hospital in this region" I say as I rush Sakuya to a Pokemon Center, 9 months later, Sakuya gives birth to a girl (Giratina this was YOUR IDEA! for her to be preggers) I headed off while Sakuya and the nurses think of a name for Sakuya's child.

Sorry for the long delay!

This whole post was an idea given by GiratinaGirl22.

Give suggestions of a name for Sakuya's little girl and Giratina will tell me which one she likes best.

Prepare for the makeover!




A force as strong as life itself! I'm Glitter Spring!

Okay now that THAT'S over with.
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[you must login to view images] "Here we go."
[you must login to view images] <-That's pretty much a Midi made by Sans.
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