
Pokemon Creed Forums < Pokemon Creed - Contests < Christmas Contest!! [#2/1]
Christmas Contest!! [#2/1]
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Christmas Contest!! [#2/1]
December 05, 2013 6:04:53pm (This post was last modified: December 25, 2013 9:39:03pm by kev9821.)
    Post: #1 
Christmas Contest!! [#2/1]
So, first of all Merry Christmas! I'm holding this contest to help new guys have a good head start and to have fun! If I didn't have a head start i would have 0 stuffs. Thanks to Dualot and others for the head start! So, you guys won't join with no prize so... no prize :D. Just kidding.

1st. RainbowGolurk-2246/CursedGolurk-4125/LuminousGolurk-4900 (Pick one) [50BillionExp.Training From yoshibuster09012][3,000 coins Donated By mikehappy] stevo09
2nd. RainbowGolurk-2246/CursedGolurk-4125/LuminousGolurk-4900 (Pick one from what's left) [30BillionExp.Training From yoshibuster09012] youngswitch0113
3rd. RainbowGolurk-2246/CursedGolurk-4125/LuminousGolurk-4900 (Last one left) [20BillionExp.Training From yoshibuster09012]kathnielove
Note: If the pokemon exceeds your trainer cap and you win, you can choose from ShadowTreecko(Base)/ShadowSwablu(Base)
Send loan to yoshibuster09012 for the training. (If you won one of the places) You will not get a prize if you are recently frozen.
LuminousBeedril-1703 (Donated by mikehappy) MegaStorage
CursedStoutland-754 (Donated by abcywe) Campt
ShadowSpinarak-908 (Donated by yoshibuster09012) OhMyGoddess
ShinyGeodude-5 (Donated by yoshibuster09012)OhMyGoddess
Latios-5 (Donated by mikehappy) cf1706
ShinyNosepass-5 (Donated by yoshibuster09012) Geminos7
ShinySalamance-436 (Donated by yoshibuster09012) casey10
RainbowSwampert-1612 (Donated by GrimReaper) Zues196
I will declare winners for my RandomPrizes with in order.
Your number will be the number of your registration (entry)

1. MUST have a ID younger than #300,000 (Unless you're a friend) [Edited due to amount of people older than #300,000]
2. Only enter with ONE ip (It will be checked)
3. Don't Cheat!!
4. Have FUN!!

This will be a 3 round contest and it will end near Christmas/New Year! (Unless something has delayed this)

People entered:

1. yoshibuster09012 - #166501
2. Amy Rose - #333264
3. OhMyGoddess - #332277
4. youngswitch0113 - #325856
5. Nuggets - #334130 (Disqualified for being rude)
6. blackheartwarrior - #85489 [R1]
7. Amathyst - #274239
8. kray - #214927
9. Geminos7 - #321557 [AR1]
10. Queenx - #328973 [AR1]
11. Adam maiden - #319644
12. Campt - #107178
13. Zues196 - #179261
14. majinhoff - #79336
15. Serah - #126428
16. kathnielove - #302046
17. Elie Shane - # 322213
18. xpietju - #105363
19. assiren - #37974
20. Arsenic212 - #180999
21. casey10 - #327446
22. bluemew2k12 - #236242 [Quit]
23. pokepalace - #316904 [AR1]
24. snorunt - #248390
25. yaskid213 - #157948
26. Cyprum - #325487 [R1]
27. RichKidDre - #111790
28. allzwll - #334275
29. ENERGIExSHOT - #157962
30. MegaStorage - #334433
31. Dark Nemesis - #332739
32. AnTiN - #224357
33. LucarioLegends - #320289 [AR1]
34. alexrazorblade - #325701 [R1]
35. Gambler123456789 - #317283[s]
36. [s]mercuryblack - #331179
37. mixedsession - #222429
38. Dyrus - #334087
39. TheOldSouls - #331259
40. eves44 - #307625
41. cf1706 - #288406
42. TamerzZ - #237440
43. xDtagapaslang - #334027
44. complanboy - #290723
45. Realstate - #126398
46. Legendarypokemon - #334361 [Posting 3 times in the entry round]
47. stevo09 - #203348
48. 1dogzilla - #59638
49. valcorey101 - #140259 [AR1]
50. chasejm - #112131

People who can not read the rules:


Kidomari (Invalid Entry Form)
Rainbowwarriorking (Invalid Entry Form)
azzer (Invalid Entry Form)
Shigi (Invalid Entry Form)
Zobtheslayer (Invalid Entry Form)
Alexandr (Invalid Entry Form)
Nitesh (Invalid Entry Form)
Ray ManiaX (Invalid Entry Form)
Klade (Invalid Entry Form)
Justin Vincible (Banned from my contest)

People who can't join (Due to being annoying or something worse).
Justin Vincible (Or any other accounts)
Nuggets (Or any other accounts)

To enter, post exactly in this simple form:
kev9821 - #299936 (Example)

Remember to say thanks to our donaters! :D

Entries close when 50 players have joined (And will be checked)

Round 1 will start after 50 people have correctly joined.

You MUST be active, otherwise you will not see the next rounds/stages. Enter if you are active.


December 08, 2013 12:14:24pm[you must login to view links]
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December 09, 2013 3:08:57pm[you must login to view links]
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Prizes Sent, stevo09/youngswitch0113/kathnielove choose your prizes.

Stevo09, R.golurk
Kathnielove, L.golurk
Youngswitch0113, banned. Will not claim prize

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Made by Dualot ^.^

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Made by me :D
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December 05, 2013 6:45:58pm (This post was last modified: December 05, 2013 8:06:41pm by yoshibuster09012.)
    Post: #2 
Christmas Contest!!
yoshibuster09012 - #166501 thanks bro :)
and thanks donators including myself XD
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December 05, 2013 6:47:26pm (This post was last modified: December 05, 2013 6:52:09pm by Amy Rose.)
    Post: #3 
Christmas Contest!!
Amy Rose - #333264
Thanks for the contest kev. :D

[you must login to view images]
^Me. :D
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^'Bout time someone noticed. ;D
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^Yes, I made those. No you may not use them.
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December 05, 2013 6:54:46pm
    Post: #4 
blackheartwarrior - #85489

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^^ Thanks Hiromi Ai

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^^ Thanks Hiromi Ai
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December 05, 2013 6:55:34pm
    Post: #5 
OhMyGoddess - #332277
thanks for the contest..merry christmas

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Pokemon: LuminousCranidos
Gender: M
Level: 51,418
You gained 5,115,590,897 experience points.
You received $4,113,440.
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December 05, 2013 7:24:23pm
    Post: #6 
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December 05, 2013 7:25:54pm
    Post: #7 
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December 05, 2013 7:38:22pm
    Post: #8 
Justin Vincible -#321459
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December 05, 2013 7:40:42pm
    Post: #9 
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December 05, 2013 7:48:09pm
    Post: #10 
oops never realised i could not join well you can withdraw me if you have too
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December 05, 2013 8:02:17pm
    Post: #11 
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December 05, 2013 8:06:03pm
    Post: #12 
The rounds will be posted after 50 people have joined.

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Made by Dualot ^.^

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Made by me :D
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December 05, 2013 8:44:55pm
    Post: #13 
Amathyst - #274239
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December 05, 2013 8:50:32pm
    Post: #14 
mercuryblack - #331179
thanks donators for the prizes :D
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December 05, 2013 8:51:44pm
    Post: #15 
I'll also train 50 bil free for 1st place 30 bil free for second place and 20 bil free for 3rd place :)
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